March 26, 2025

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Becoming Julie: My Incredible Journey

<p>It tells of Julie Clarke's true life story as a transgender woman growing up in the small town of Callander in central Scotland and then living on the remote Hebridean Island of Coll, which is off the west coast of Scotland. </p> <p>The post appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Becoming Julie: My Incredible Journey</a> .</p>

Julie says it is important to say that this is not a book on the subject of transgender right’s, issues or its politics.

Becoming Julie is a book with wide appeal and has already generated a lot of interest from the mainstream reading public. The book candidly and honestly recounts, in her own words her life from a young age to the present day, and recounts her long, arduous and sometimes dangerous to becoming the confident and outgoing woman she have become today, and is an inspiring and uplifting story of triumph over adversity against overwhelming odds. Julie Clarke says the book are about “How I took on the world and won”

Her book has also attracted a lot of media interest and her story has so far appeared in 6 newspaper-magazines and been featured on 3 live radio shows and 2 BBC television news programs. There has also been numerous positive reviews by organisations and individuals.

The author Alexander McCall-Smith has read-reviewed Becoming Julie and his quote appears on the front cover of the book: “This is a remarkable account of a personal struggle which is written with great dignity”.

Julie Clarke’s first book entitled Becoming Julie was published on 3rd November 2014, by Fledgling Press.

Buy Becoming Julie: My Incredible Journey

The post appeared first on Becoming Julie: My Incredible Journey .

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