March 18, 2025

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Cocky da Homo MC’s Upcoming Album Proceeds Will Go to Anti-Bullying Resource Center

( New York, New York Up-and-coming rapper Cocky da Homo MC plans to donate the entirety of the proceeds from his upcoming debut album “I’m Super, Thanks For Asking” to PACER’s National Anti-Bullying Resource Center. His album, available for preorder now for a mere $2 on, will officially be released in September.
Justin Schiz, now known as Cocky, has been a victim of bullying and homophobia throughout his life. He became a rapper in late 2011 to inspire LGBT hip hop listeners, as, at the time, there were very few openly-gay rappers. In 2012, he saw his first signs of success, recording with major industry A&R powerhouse Jeff Blue and his assistant Zilla, who has produced for the likes of Eminem and the Pussycat Dolls.

Now, Cocky da Homo is giving back by donating all the proceeds of his upcoming album to PACER’s Bullying Prevention Center. The album itself has been described by Cocky as an “intense and explicit” autobiography documenting the struggles of being an openly- homosexual rapper.

Media provided by – Gay Media and Press Network.

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