March 18, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Gay Monthly Print Seeks Contract Part Time Managing Editor

<p>Out & About Nashville, Inc.​ (O&AN)  is now hiring<br /> Gay Monthly Print Seeks Contract Part Time Managing Editor<br /> Print Editor/​Creative Director</p> <p>The company is splitting its former full-time managing editor/​creative director position into two contract positions.​ Should two candidates not be found for the two contract positions, we may consider merging the positions back into one.​<br /> Each of these [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Gay Monthly Print Seeks Contract Part Time Managing Editor</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

Out & About Nashville, Inc.​ (O&AN)  is now hiring

Gay Monthly Print Seeks Contract Part Time Managing Editor

Print Editor/​Creative Director

Gay Monthly Print Seeks Contract Part Time Managing EditorThe company is splitting its former full-time managing editor/​creative director position into two contract positions.​ Should two candidates not be found for the two contract positions, we may consider merging the positions back into one.​

Each of these jobs would require the following work be done.​ These are contract work-from-home positions and no equipment will be provided.​ O&AN is a monthly LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) magloid format publication, with associated digital properties including an active website at www.​outandaboutnashville.​com.​ O&AN is Tennessee’s largest and only state-wide LGBT publication.​ The company has been in business since Oct.​ 2002.​

Print Editor/​Creative Director
Responsible for the editorial and creative direction and management of the print publication, Out & About Nashville.​ Works closely in conjunction with digital editor to set the editorial focus of O&AN.​ This has an anticipated contract payment of $1,000 to $1,200 per month.​

  • Responsible for overall editorial content and management of day-to-day operations of the printed publication, O&AN.​
  • Creative direction of cover photos including brainstorming, directing the photography, etc.​
  • Develop editorial budget each month, set and enforce deadlines
  • Assign stories to volunteer writing staff, follow up and keep staff on deadline
  • Assist and manage overall print operations, including layout production, preparing story order, gathering art for layout
  • Lead proofing process for print edition.​ Be available during production deadlines to lead the process.​
  • Responsible for maintaining journalistic standards and edit all copy per AP style
  • Source, develop and write local LGBT news stories, with an emphasis on hard news and breaking news.​
  • Develop and write a minimum of five new articles for the print edition each month
  • Take photos as needed
  • Represent O&AN at community functions and serve as an ambassador to the community
  • Cultivate and develop volunteer writing staff for print issue
  • Attend and co-manage all staff meetings
  • Other duties as assigned

At a minimum a degree in journalism is required, along with previous editorial and writing experience.​ A flexible attitude, willingness to jump in and help is required.​ Candidate must be able to meet deadlines and because breaking news often happens, work in a quick pace, stressful environment.​ Candidate must a self-starter and self-motivated.​

Send resume to: Jerry Jones, publisher, jjones@​outandaboutnashville.​com

No phone calls please

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The post Gay Monthly Print Seeks Contract Part Time Managing Editor appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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