March 13, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

LA Intern It Gets Better Project

<p>It Gets Better Project – Los Angeles, CA The It Gets Better Project’s main office in Los Angeles seeks office volunteers/interns to start immediately. The It Gets Better Project is a non-profit hybrid production company that creates pro-social content to give hope and inspire changes for LGBT young people. College students will be able to<a href="">[...]</a></p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">LA Intern It Gets Better Project</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

It Gets Better ProjectLos Angeles, CA

The It Gets Better Project’s main office in Los Angeles seeks office volunteers/interns to start immediately. The It Gets Better Project is a non-profit hybrid production company that creates pro-social content to give hope and inspire changes for LGBT young people. College students will be able to receive school credit.

LA Intern It Gets Better Project

LA Intern It Gets Better Project

Applicant’s availability is ideally two days per week, M-F, 10AM-6PM. Volunteers/interns will help with general office duties, packaging and mailing resource materials, updating outreach and volunteer grids, reviewing and uploading It Gets Better videos to the website, tracking press, drafting blog posts, assisting with social media (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google +), and processing donation acknowledgement letters.

Applicants should be proficient with Mac computers and have their own laptops to bring to the office. Foreign language proficiency is preferred but not required. Please send cover letters and resumes.

Job Type: Internship

Salary: $0.00 /year

Local candidates only:

Los Angeles, CA
Required education:

High school or equivalent

Apply to

Gay LGBT Job Board

We think it’s important where you spend your money, so we try to provide every opportunity for the LGBTQI community to either gain new business or land a new job. We encourage you to consume in a responsible way. Support our community by shopping, dining and staying with LGBT Businesses.

We think it’s important where you spend your money, so we try to provide every opportunity for the LGBTQI community to either gain new business or land a new job. We encourage you to consume in a responsible way. Support our community by shopping, dining and staying with LGBT Businesses.

A free service for job seekers to locate jobs and employers to locate employees that are GLBT friendly.

Seasons of Pride is supporting LGBT business by offering free services to promote LGBT business: Free Press Release Publication, Free Job Postings, Free Business Listing and Free Event Listing for LGBT Businesses and Non-Profit Organizations.

Our newest offering freelancing jobs.  We offer a free freelancers board to the LGBT community.  Send us an email with your freelance needs such as bookkeeping, web design, etc. and we will post it and promote it through our LGBT partners.

Building Pride through LGBT Business

Every day, we here stories of businesses that refuse to sell to the LGBT community claiming it somehow violates their Religious Freedom. And we think that is a good thing.  Why? Because, I want to know if I am spending my hard earned dollars in a business that discriminates against against my community. I appreciate them telling me they oppose marriage equality or gender equality – because I can go spend my money someplace that supports equal rights.

LGBT owned independent businesses return a percentage of each dollar you spend back to our community. For example, bear businesses put that dollar back into the community through bear runs, bear media, and contributions to local non-profit organizations and political organizations.

We believe the best path to equality is financial empowerment.

Seasons of Pride supports diversity in the workplace through free LGBT jobs listings, and free directories for gay and lesbian businesses and a LGBT Freelancers  for the Queer Community.


The post LA Intern It Gets Better Project appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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