March 24, 2025

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Manchesters Village Bakers at the ‘Its a Knockout’ parade against Russia’s stance on the LGBT community

<p>Manchester’s Village Bakers braved the wind, rain and notorious British winter weather on Friday 7th to make an effort to join the LGBT Manchester community in support of the LGBT Russian community. <a href="">Continue Reading <span>→</span></a></p> <p>The post appeared first on <a title="" href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

The event was followed by a Russian and Winter Olympics inspired meeting on Sunday 11th June at The Molly House sharing members themed contributions with the group.

Many keen Village Bakers including Chairman Kevin Sargent among many others made the effort to support many other Manchester LGBT groups within Manchester against Russia’s latest anti-gay propaganda laws banning the education of non-traditional sexual relationships to minors. At a time of Russia hosting the Winter Olympics and increased publicity over Russia, it’s a relevant time to bring this to our attention. Part of the Olympic Charter encourages equal human rights amongst all participating and watching so incredibly important that this is brought to our attention. The Village Bakers helped the solidarity cause by showing ‘hands of solidarity’ which promoted our connections to other LGBT communities across the world including Russia.

Village Bakers in Manchester with their efforts within 'its a knockout' and Russian Themed baking event

Village Bakers in Manchester with their efforts within ‘its a knockout’ and Russian Themed baking event

The evening consisted of many enjoyable games including an ice-cream race which were very popular and well received. The group did well as a team and received 3rd place. Coming third in the ‘it’s a gay knockout’ games tournament was a great testament to the Village Bakers team and their dedication to the cause. The Russian themed meeting on Sunday 11th June was the first themed baking meeting The Village Bakers have hosted and was well received with fantastic efforts from the members. The group was overwhelmed by the amazing contributions and great lengths people had gone to. Contributions ranged from Russian Teacakes to ‘White Russian’ cakes and various Winter Olympic inspired contributions.

Baked by Manchesters Village Bakers

Baked by Manchesters Village Bakers

Inspired by the Great British Bake Off, the Village Bakers have achieved many high’s in just over a year …. the group has supported many charities and organisations, including hosting The Great Village Bake Off as part of Manchester Pride Fringe, helping raise funds for Manchester Pride’s Community Fund. In addition to this the group as contributed to The George House Trust Mobile Bake Sale raising in excess of £500, supported the launch of UK’s first LGBT retail Network – Checkout producing rainbow inspired cakes. Provided a Cake Pop giveaway and baking master class for Sparkle, A UK Transgender festival, and with regular foodie evenings including a fabulous tapas night and cocktail event the members at Village Bakers just keep growing.

The Village bakers have a simple aim to Bake it! Bring it! Share it! within Manchester’s Gay Village. With no soggy bottoms, and plenty of stiff peaks the group provides an inclusive, informal setting for members to meet new people and form new friendships whilst sampling each other’s buns!

Cake by Manchesters Village Bakers

Cake by Manchesters Village Bakers

The group is always looking forward to meeting new member and the group meets every second Sunday of each month at 1pm at The Molly House, Richmond Street, Manchester.

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