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Max Zachs and the minister for Equality and Social Inclusion opens EuroPride 2014

<p>Max Zachs, one of Britiains most well known Trans people, known from the British TV series "My Transsexual Summer" headlines the official opening of EuroPride 2014 in Oslo, Norway.</p> <p>The post appeared first on <a title="" href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

At the official opening Zachs will be accompanied by Norway’s minister for Equality and Social Inclusion, Solveig Horne (in the picture), from the populist Progress party (Frp).

”I am happy and proud to attend the opening of Pride House and Euro Pride 2014 in Oslo,” says Norway’s Minister of Equality and Social Inclusion, Solveig Horne.

On Friday June 20th the annual EuroPride, this year hosted by Oslo Pride, officially opens with Pride House at the House of Literature in the capitol of Norway, Oslo.

”Pride House is a unique venue and the largest LGBT political workshop organized on a voluntary basis in Norway, with over 50 different debates, lectures and workshops. During EuroPride Pride House will set politics and human rights issues in an LGBT perspective on the agenda in Norway and Europe. It is important for me as Minister for Equality to promote the event and show that we in Norway take clear position and say that lgbt-rights are human rights,” says Horne.

It’s about challenging ourselves and others

Pride House is organized by LLH Oslo and Akershus (LLH OA), the local branch of the Norwegian LGBT organisation. Pride House is organized together with Amnesty International Norway, as well as a number of other large and small organizations.

- Pride House is about challenging ourselves. Therefore we rejoice that the minister for equality will take part in the event and that she takes the opportunity to learn about the LGBTIQ-issues that Pride House puts on the agenda, says Kathrine Veland, leader of the Pride House-committee.

The chairperson of LLH OA, Hans Heen Sikkeland, says it great news that Horne and Max Zach finds their way to Pride House, which marks the beginning of the summer’s biggest and most beautiful queer adventure in Oslo – EuroPride 2014.

Important signal

”Everything is ready for what will be the largest party in Oslo, after our national celebration on May 17th. The fact that Horne will open EuroPride and Pride House sends an important signal not only to all of us here at home, but also to politicians, activists and others who follow us throughout Europe. In contrast to the situation here in Norway, where there are continuous progress on LGBT rights, we see that LGBT rights in several European countries are in retreat, says Sikkeland.

At the official opening there will be entertainment by Max Zachs. Max is one of Britiains most well known Trans people, due in part to a role in Channel Four’s hit TV Series ‘My Transsexual Summer’ and their regular appearances in the media and at LGBTQ events advocating for Transgender people. Nils Bech, Norway’s perhaps most personal and distinctive musician and songwriter, also performs at the opening.

Facts about EuroPride in Oslo

EuroPride held from 20 to 29 June 2014 in Oslo.

In 2014, the Oslo Pride hosted EuroPride for the second time. The first time was in 2005, and since then, cities like London (2006), Madrid (2007), Stockholm (2008), Zurich (2009), Warsaw (2010), Rome (2011), London (World Pride 2012) and Marseille (2013) hosted Europride.

When Oslo Pride hosts EuroPride in 2014, we build the festival around the three major events that all have free admission; Pride House, Pride Park and Pride parade.
Key figures from Oslo Pride 2013 is 1400 visitors at Pride House (House of Literature), 40000 visitors in Pride Park (Town Hall Square) and 12,500 participants in the Pride parade.

The official opening of Pride House and Euro Pride 2014 will take place in the auditorium Wergeland House of Literature, Friday 20 June.

Pride Park is held in 2014 at City Hall Square in Oslo from June 25th to June 28th.
The EuroPride parade takes place on Saturday 28 June.

Check out the whole Pride House program!
Check out all the events during the Euro Pride!

Picture by Europride 2014 Oslo

The post appeared first on

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