If your account has recently been migrated you do not have full access to the site yet. You need to update your profile before you can post anything.
If you look to the bottom of the right column you will find a link under your username that says: “Edit Profile” You can add some info there about your publication and add your logo as your avatar.
You will also find a Help section here:
Once you have completed your profile please visit our page via this link and let us know. Send us a private message. We will then upgrade your account so you have full access to the site. You’re also welcome to send us a friend request.
You can friend us at https://www.gaywebsource.com/gaypress/members/admin/
If you have problems signing in you can request a new password via:
In the event of an emergency and you can not get logged in you can email us at
support @ gaywebsource.com (no spaces)