March 17, 2025

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National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare Foundation

<p>Part-time Project Coordinator<br /> San Francisco Bay Area, CA<br /> The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare Foundation is seeking an experienced part-time project coordinator based in California to manage our Know Your Rights Initiative, a program which seeks to educate LGBT seniors and families about new federal benefits made available to them under the 2013 Supreme [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare Foundation</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

Part-time Project Coordinator

San Francisco Bay Area, CA

The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare Foundation is seeking an experienced part-time project coordinator based in California to manage our Know Your Rights Initiative, a program which seeks to educate LGBT seniors and families about new federal benefits made available to them under the 2013 Supreme Court Windsor decision.

National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare Foundation

National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare Foundation

Duration of Position: Approximately 15 months
Location: Northern California
Reports to: NC Foundation Director and coordinates closely with D.C. based staff

Responsibilities Include:

  • Building partnerships with individuals, LGBT groups, aging organizations, academic institutions, and government agencies across the state to help cosponsor/promote Town Hall events
  • Identifying and securing appropriate local and national aging, LGBT, Social Security, and legal experts to participate Town Hall panels
  • Working in conjunction with a local media consultant, utilize local media to promote and generate participation in Town Hall and Leadership events
  • Create a advocacy toolkit (event flyers, partner responsibilities, etc.) and various other materials to be disseminated prior to and at events
  • Reach out to local, state, and national government officials to attend Leadership events or Town Hall meets
  • Coordinate logistics (such as catering and venues) for all events, approximately a dozen and a half over the course of 9 months, including two webinars
  • Create a post-event packet for each location, documenting outcomes achieved

Preferred Qualifications:

  • 3+ years of working in grassroots community organizing and/or special events planning
  • Access to transportation a must; position requires extensive travel around the state
  • Must have networks among California’s diverse populations
  • Must have good interpersonal skills
  • Strong ability to work well under pressure and strictly adhere to deadlines
  • Good written and oral communication skills, multilingual abilities a huge plus, particularly in Spanish
  • Previous relationship with LGBT community a plus, but not essential
  • Technologically proficient in web and basic computer programs

To apply for this position please send cover, resume and general salary expectations.


The post National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare Foundation appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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