March 28, 2025

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Public Information Officer Lambda Legal

<p>Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund – New York, NY<br /> The Public Information Officer will conduct news media activities for the organization and report to the Media Relations Director. The goals of media and communications work at Lambda Legal are to educate the public on matters of equality, explain the purpose and impact of our work, [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Public Information Officer Lambda Legal</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

Lambda Legal Defense and Education FundNew York, NY

The Public Information Officer will conduct news media activities for the organization and report to the Media Relations Director. The goals of media and communications work at Lambda Legal are to educate the public on matters of equality, explain the purpose and impact of our work, and position the organization as a national leader of legal, education and public policy advocacy on behalf of equality for LGBT people and people with HIV.

Public Information Officer Lambda LegalPublic Information Officer Lambda Legal

Lambda Legal is a national, nonprofit organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (“LGBT”) people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education, and public policy work. Founded in 1973 and headquartered in New York City, Lambda Legal has regional offices in Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta and Dallas.

The Education and Public Affairs (EPA) Department leads the community education, advocacy and inclusion; communications; and marketing efforts of the organization, and also coordinates with the Legal Department in carrying out our public affairs work. The goals of the EPA Department are to influence the national debate, inform and empower members of our communities and our allies, create public support for Lambda Legal’s impact litigation and for laws that lead to equality for LGBT people and people living with HIV, and increase support for our mission by forging strategic partnerships and communicating Lambda Legal’s ideas and achievements to a broad range of audiences.


The Public Information Officer is responsible for extensive contact with journalists, frequent interaction with Lambda Legal attorneys in our New York office and in the organization’s offices around the country, and management of the media activities of our plaintiffs. The goals of the Public Information Officers are to explain and amplify our work, establish Lambda Legal as a go-to source for legal information and vision related to the LGBT and HIV communities as well as to write and place news stories about fast-breaking developments involving Lambda Legal’s legal and educational activities. The person hired for this position will join a team of two other PIO’s and a Media Relations Director.


The Public Information Officer must have:

  • Minimum of four to six years of experience demonstrating increasing responsibility in creating effective messages for breaking news, cultivating relationships with journalists, and proactively securing media coverage;
  • Strong pitching skills required, particularly with broadcast outlets;
  • Must have excellent writing skills, with the ability to translate complex legal material into concise, accurate, and compelling language for the general public;
  • Experience conducting media training for organizational spokespeople and clients;
  • Knowledge of LGBT civil rights advocacy as well as demonstrated understanding of messaging and communications for a mission-driven organization;
  • Experience and fluency with digital communications tools including social media platforms;
  • Experience in identifying and effectively communicating with diverse audiences;
  • Excellent planning and project management skills;

Spanish language proficiency a plus

The position is open until filled; interviews will begin immediately with qualified candidates. Send resume and cover letter, writing sample, and any samples of relevant prior work, by e-mail only to: Tom Warnke

No calls please. Due to the high volume of applications, Lambda Legal cannot return phone calls about the position and, regrettably, cannot notify applicants of the status of applications unless an interview is requested.

The post Public Information Officer Lambda Legal appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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