March 22, 2025

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Rainbows Winter Festival 2015

<p>[ January 29, 2015 to February 1, 2015. ] Rainbows Winter Festival – An international four day gay event which offers guests everything from exotic sight seeing trips, northern lights hunt and late night parties. Attracts people from all around the world. Reykjavik, Iceland.<br /> Have you ever dreamed about Iceland? Walking along the Continental Divide between the tectonic plates of Europe and North America? Seeing [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Rainbows Winter Festival 2015</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
January 29, 2015toFebruary 1, 2015

Rainbows Winter FestivalAn international four day gay event which offers guests everything from exotic sight seeing trips, northern lights hunt and late night parties. Attracts people from all around the world. Reykjavik, Iceland.

Have you ever dreamed about Iceland? Walking along the Continental Divide between the tectonic plates of Europe and North America? Seeing geysirs, waterfalls and nature of unparalleled beauty? Relaxing in the turquoise geothermal waters of the world-famous Blue Lagoon? Seeing the Northern Lights? Or dining in world-class restaurants, sitting in cosy cafes and partying until the wee hours of the morning with LGBT people from all over the world, in the charming and very cosmopolitan city of Reykjavik?

Rainbows Winter Festival 2015

Rainbows Winter Festival 2015

If so, winter pride festival Rainbow Reykjavik is for you! This 4th annual international LGBT winter pride festival will take place from the 29th of January until the 1st of February 2014 with extension packages both before (27-28 January) and after (1-2 February) the festival. International guests are anticipated from countries all over the world, including the USA, Canada, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The program offers a great mixture of nature, activities, culture, cuisine, music & nightlife.

Pink Iceland, Iceland’s first and foremost tour operator in Iceland dedicated to LGBT clientele has put together this fabulous program with the best Reykjavik and its surroundings have to offer. Pink Iceland’s partners are tend to be gay owned, gay operated or at least gay friendly, but always awesome. Through the great co-operation of the Icelandic velvet mafia we hope to make your stay unforgettable.

Pink Iceland is a leading LGBT travel specialist, tour operator and wedding planner in Iceland. All our partners are gay owned/operated or gay friendly and of a high standard.

Iceland is a great destination for LGBT travelers because of the gay friendly atmosphere. Pink Iceland’s goal is to make your stay in Iceland as wonderful and welcoming as possible. Pink Iceland offers an array of services from booking short tours around Reykjavík to all-inclusive luxury excursions around the country.

Pink Iceland is gay owned and operated by couple Birna Hrönn and Eva María alongside Hannes Páll who recently joined as partner.

The post Rainbows Winter Festival 2015 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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