March 24, 2025

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Register now for Stonewall’s 2014 Equality Walk

<p>Stonewall today launches its 2014 Equality Walk, with registration for walkers now open. The Equality Walk, which takes place in Brighton on Sunday 11 May, forms part of the charity’s 25th anniversary celebrations and is kindly supported by American Express. <a href="">Continue Reading <span>→</span></a></p> <p>The post appeared first on <a title="" href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>

Walkers will raise funds to support Stonewall’s work in over 10,000 schools to tackle homophobic bullying. YouGov polling conducted on behalf of Stonewall shows that over half of gay young people experience homophobic bullying at school, while nearly all hear homophobic language. Worryingly, nine in ten teachers report they’ve never received training on how to prevent and respond to homophobic bullying.

Over 800 supporters took part in last year’s Walk, raising a record-breaking £75,000. Walkers will enjoy entertainment by the seaside – including face painting for children, live music and a picnic area – ahead of the walk around Brighton.

Stonewall Director of Fundraising Catherine Bosworth said: ‘We hope to see hundreds of supporters turn out for our annual Brighton Equality Walk. We want more people than ever to take a stand against homophobic bullying in this extra special year, Stonewall’s 25th Anniversary. Every penny raised will help us support gay young people who face a daily nightmare of assault, abuse or isolation at school, simply because of the way they were born.’

The Equality Walk is a family-friendly event, which opens with a gathering in the Royal Pavilion Gardens. To find out more or to register a team or as an individual walker, visit

You can also follow the build up to this year’s event by following @EqualityWalk on Twitter.

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