March 18, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Site In Maintenance – Theme Errors

Hello Everyone

Site In Maintenance Mode:

We are having some issues with the web site and I am working on it.  I installed a plugin yesterday to trying to speed up the site and it clashed with our system and took down our site.  I got the site back up but lost the design theme of the site.  I do not think we lost any content posted to the site.. just theme content that gives the site its look.  I’m working on it and I have temp put the theme to a basic theme as I work on the issue.  Please bare with us.  If you see any other issue with the site please leave a comment on this post.  This has happen to my entire network and not just this site.. so please bare with me.. might take a little while to get stuff back up.

Here is what happen:

Last night some time after 10:00 until about 4 AM EST when this happen you would have seen a message saying the site was suspended.  The site has a lot of features and uses a lot of plugins to run all the features we have.  Having so many plugins makes the site slow.  So, I installed a cache plugin on the site to try to speed up the sites performance.  This plugin creates duplicate pages every so many minutes for pages visited.  With this plugin, as you visited the site this would have showed you a page that might be 10 or 15 mins old and not current with content just posted.  This would in turn speed up the site.  Well the virus protection on the servers did not like how it was creating these pages and reported it as a problem.  So, I had to go in and remove the plugin and the files it created.  Most of these duplicate files created where in our theme.  it was easier to just delete all theme files and rebuild them rather then remove each one causing the issue.  So that is what I am doing.

Why is the site so slow?

If we remove all the 40 plugins that run all the features the site is really fast.  However then we lose all the features we have.  So I can speed up the site if I remove some of its features?


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