March 22, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Swinging in Salem Massachusetts

<p>While we were on our Out n About Road Trip, we stopped off to visit Salem Massachusetts for Halloween.  It was an experience to remember.  We met so many amazing people and toured so many great places.  We are excited to announce that we are returning to Salem for the Halloween festivities again this year.  With that in mind, you can see our silly antics as DJ attempts to swing in the playground at Salem Common. You can hear a bit of narration by me and laughter…it’s just a snippet and a sample of raw video but we had fun and can’t wait to do it again!  Stay tuned for more videos on various travels…and now, here’s the swingset scene… About Joe MoralesEditor, traveler, foodie, drinker and sun-worshiper. Usually not in that particular order but you never can tell with a job like this!Mail | More Posts (1)</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Swinging in Salem Massachusetts</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Gaycation Magazine</a>.</p>

While we were on our Out n About Road Trip, we stopped off to visit Salem Massachusetts for Halloween.  It was an experience to remember.  We met so many amazing people and toured so many great places.  We are excited to announce that we are returning to Salem for the Halloween festivities again this year.  With that in mind, you can see our silly antics as DJ attempts to swing in the playground at Salem Common.

You can hear a bit of narration by me and laughter…it’s just a snippet and a sample of raw video but we had fun and can’t wait to do it again!  Stay tuned for more videos on various travels…and now, here’s the swingset scene…

Joe Morales

About Joe Morales

Editor, traveler, foodie, drinker and sun-worshiper. Usually not in that particular order but you never can tell with a job like this!

The post Swinging in Salem Massachusetts appeared first on Gaycation Magazine.

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