Dallas Gay Community Rallies to Celebrate SCOTUS Decisions

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Dallas Decision Day Rally 300x199 Dallas Gay Community Rallies to Celebrate SCOTUS Decisions

Dallas Day of Decision Rally, credit: Doug Magditch

“Today is a day for celebration!”

That was the rallying cry of gay rights activist Daniel Cates Wednesday evening at the Dallas Day of Decision Rally. It was planned to celebrate the U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions on DOMA and Proposition 8.

Hundreds showed up to the rally. The crowd grew so large that police had to block off lanes at the intersection of Cedar Springs and Oak Lawn. With signs and face paint, the gay community came together to celebrate in a big way.

Before the official list of speakers took to the bullhorn, anyone in the community who wanted to speak had the opportunity.

“The U.S. government today told you you’re not junk. What we need to do is get the state of Texas and the other states that do not recognize gay marriage to say you’re not junk, too,”  Rita Rolf shouted to the crowd. Rolf identified herself as a ‘straight ally.’  “We’re on our way.”

During the public comment period, one woman drew the ire of the crowd. Wanda Jo Taylor said she was gay for 47 years, but no longer lives as a gay woman because she surrendered her life to the Lord. The crowd cut her speech short with shouts of “No more hate! No more hate!”

“It don’t matter. It’s about pleasing God, not pleasing man. I’m out to please God, not man. I just did what God called me to do. I’m a minister. I’m an evangelist. If he tells me to do something, I got to do it,” said Taylor.

After members of the public spoke, a long list of leaders of the North Texas gay community took to the microphone.

“Today our high court told this nation what we already knew, that our love is just the same as everybody else’s,” said Rafael McDonnell, of Resource Center Dallas, to cheers from the crowd.

“I’m proud to say that I’ve been with my partner for 17 years. Love is love,” said Omar Narvaez of Stonewall Democrats of Dallas.

Dallas Day of Decision Rally 300x199 Dallas Gay Community Rallies to Celebrate SCOTUS Decisions

Maria Herrera and Idalia Barrientos, credit: Doug Magditch

Navaez was just one of many in the crowd who was part of a long-term relationship. I met Maria Herrera and Idalia Barrientos near the back of the crowd. The two Texas women have been together 11 years. They wear rings to show their commitment to each other, but they’re not married.

“It’s more of a commitment to each other. There wasn’t an official ceremony or anything. It was just between the two of us and something we’re committed to,” said Herrera.

They said they will get married when they can.

“We’re hoping for the big next step,” said Herrera.



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