Britain’s Got Talent – La Voix and the London Gay Big Band

( – Gay News & Press Network) – Posted by Jake Simpson –

“It’s been such a rollercoaster of a ride. We’ve played for large crowds before, but performing in a TV studio – with the cameras, the lights, the sets – is another thing altogether; an incredible experience. Very exciting!” (Kate Coole, Trumpet)

by Matt Peake | 29th May 2014

La Voix & London Gay Big Band - Mark Storey

A few weeks ago on Britain’s Got Talent, we saw La Voix aka vocalist, Chris Dennis, give a spectacular performance of Frank Sinatra’s classic New York, New York accompanied by an impressive jazz orchestra known as the London Gay Big Band. The band consists of five saxophones, four trombones, five trumpets, a keyboard, bass, guitar and drums. The band is claimed to be the only LGBT Big Band in the whole of the UK.

The judging panel that include Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon and David Walliams loved the group claiming that “That’s how you make an impact! You’re a force to be reckoned with.”

Luckily Simon was not there to judge. Simon is notoriously not a big fan of drag acts and detests it if they win a spot in the live semi finals. However he was otherwise engaged as his partner, Lauren Silverman, went into labour with their son Eric.

Fortunately David was on hand to provide support for the group exclaiming ‘I know Simon loves drag acts so I’m saying, yes for Simon, yes for me.’

BGT ITV La Voix Audition

The group’s leader Stefan had this to say,

‘When we founded the London Gay Big Band three years ago in a damp and dingy basement of a London bookshop, we could never have dreamt of the amazing journey that we have been on, culminating in our upcoming Semi Final performance this week on the World’s most prominent Talent show and a global stage!

We take our responsibility very seriously, proving that the gay scene is so much more than many of those pre-conceived stereotypes that are so often still prevalent amongst society. Our Band is all about making music, creating a community spirit by supporting each other and breaking boundaries. It’s about bringing something fresh, new and exciting to the LGBT scene and beyond.

So if there’s one thing you do this week – watch Britain’s Got Talent, and make your vote count! Let’s show our nation the true diversity, variety and spirit of the LGBT community.’

Vince Walsh, one of the band’s trumpet players adds that “People forget that Big Band and Jazz music are about fun and emotion. Well, we’re here to remind you”.

For the audition clip please see

For more info about the band please see

Don’t forget to show your love and support through Facebook and Twitter!

@LGBigBand and @lavoixtheshow

Watch the LIVE SEMI FINAL PERFORMANCE – SATURDAY 31 May 2014 at 7pm on ITV

Media Provided by the – Gay News & Press Network.
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