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10 Moments When Gaga’s Applause Blews Our Minds

You know, there's something about Gaga's new video that ensures we just can't stop watching. It's like a drug or something. 20th August 2013Here's 10 moments when Gaga's Applause music video rocked out little worlds...Watch the video at http://www.vide...

You know, there's something about Gaga's new video that ensures we just can't stop watching. It's like a drug or something.

20th August 2013

Here's 10 moments when Gaga's Applause music video rocked out little worlds...

Watch the video at

When she realised she was in a cooking pot

When her Marilyn moment happened

When she looked like Martha Stewart coming out of prison

When there was lots of her, showing the exact same emotion we were feeling

When she got a big Bic and signed her name on the floor (didn't happen...)

When she contracted Rage for 20 seconds

When she grew a tail, obvs to go with the horns she sported in 2012

When they blew up her armbands

Just because of this...

And before she stepped into the sun tan machine...

Watch the video at

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