March 21, 2025

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2013 Los Angeles Black Pride

[ July 3, 2013 to July 7, 2013. ] Pride and Promote Los Angeles Black Pride is planning to make 2013 Beach Party the biggest Black pride the world over Black Pride at the Beach LGBT FAMILY PROGRAM: This is developed for the purpose of Advocating, Educating and Celebrating the Diversity of the Black and Other minority LGBT Family. The program works towards Advancing and Protecting the [...]
July 3, 2013toJuly 7, 2013

Pride and Promote Los Angeles Black Pride is planning to make 2013 Beach Party the biggest Black pride the world over

Black Pride at the Beach


This is developed for the purpose of Advocating, Educating and Celebrating the Diversity of the Black and Other minority LGBT Family. The program works towards Advancing and Protecting the rights and dignity of these units while working towards developing Individual and Family Health, Child Advancement Initiatives including holiday Toy and School Drives for children of the community.


Purpose is developing programs that promote employment of members of the community. Programs may include, Job training initiatives, Community network with employers and forming partnerships and alliances with businesses, bi-Annual Job Fairs, Creating Job Resource and other employment related initiatives specific to the demography.


Build new leaders, advocate against bullying, encourage minority parents to form or join neighborhood PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), Advocate for and educate schools on dealing with the younger LGBT teens , support and encourage LGBT and straight alliances, creating and developing alliances with schools & Colleges, create scholarship or sponsorships programs, advocate against stigma while promoting mental health development to address suicides. Developing cultural, celebrative programs.


Forming alliances with Businesses, Enterprises, Groups, Institutions, Religious units, Corporations, organizations, Collectives and Governmental Units in other to promote and Advance the needs, wants and requirements of the black and minority LGBT community. Developing the Annual 4th of July Pride festivity dues to its Historic, Socio-Cultural and apparent Psychological and Philosophical significance and support.


The development of a space/facility where needs of the community are met. the centers will have facilities specific to Health, Art, Socio-culture, Recreational & Sports, Education & Training, Retirement, Liaison and a Center for Archives of all historical record of the black and minority LGBT community.

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