March 17, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Creep of the Week: Amy Coney Barrett

Ruth Bader Ginsburg. What a devastating loss. For her family, for the country, for the rule of law. We didn’t let her have a single moment of peace in the last years of her life. She didn’t get to retire. She didn’t get to look back on and celebrate h...
Ruth Bader Ginsburg. What a devastating loss. For her family, for the country, for the rule of law.
We didn’t let her have a single moment of peace in the last years of her life. She didn’t get to retire. She didn’t get to look back on and celebrate her historic and spectacular legacy. Nope. Because millions of Americans voted for a washed-up TV crook masquerading as a businessman, Ruth Bader Ginsburg worked until her dying day.
She deserved better.
And now, even though it was literally her dying wish not to be replaced by him and even though a clear majority of Americans think the next justice should be appointed by whoever wins the 2020 election, Trump is getting to choose her replacement. A man who lost the popular vote by millions who leads a party that represents a minority of Americans will have appointed three Supreme Court justices by...

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