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Alaska PrideFest 2015

<p>[ May 30, 2015 to June 6, 2015. ] Anchorage Pridefest – This year’s official logo and theme is “Building Equality” and represents the hard work our local LGBT community has accomplished, and the work ahead, in building equality for all Alaskans. Anchorage, AK.</p> <p>Alaska PrideFest 2015<br /> At the heart of Alaska Pride is PrideFest, a week-long celebration of our journey as the LGBT community which includes [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Alaska PrideFest 2015</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
May 30, 2015toJune 6, 2015

Anchorage PridefestThis year’s official logo and theme is “Building Equality” and represents the hard work our local LGBT community has accomplished, and the work ahead, in building equality for all Alaskans. Anchorage, AK.

Alaska PrideFest 2015

At the heart of Alaska Pride is PrideFest, a week-long celebration of our journey as the LGBT community which includes a variety of activities. As always, the PrideFestival is FREE. However, donations to Identity, Inc. are always appreciated if you wish to help us meet the ever-rising costs of producing a quality PrideFestival, or to help this LGBT non-profit service organization which serves our community.

Identity’s programs include: a statewide Helpline; NORTHVIEW, our quarterly newsletter; PrideFest;Pride Conference; the Gay and Lesbian Community Center; an Identity Advocacy Program; and support for local youth programs.

Alaska PrideFest is a week-long celebration of the state’s LGBT community, featuring more than 20 business supported events, including the popular Equality March and PrideFestival.

LGBT, or LGBT supportive, and over 50?

Please take a moment to take and pass on the Alaska Seniors Count Questionnaire (ASCQ), a statewide survey that is being administered to Alaskans over the age of 50. The goal of ASCQ is to assess the health related quality of life and gain access to services, and social support, for seniors living in Alaska. Thanks for your time with this important survey!

Alaska PrideFest 2015

MAY 2015

  • 30 MAY – RAINBOW RUN 9:00 am – 12:00 pm 111 W. Ship Creek Avenue Ship Creek Trail, The race will start next to the Comfort Inn Event Organized By: Eric Van Dongen, AK
  • 31 MAY – ALASKA PRIDE KICK-OFF BBQ 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm 708 E. Fourth Avenue, Anchorage, AK The RavenEvent Organized By: Tom Azzarella, (907) 602-0569
JUNE 2015
  • JUN – PRIDE FILMFEST: BEAR TOOTH THEATRE 5:30 pm – 11:00 pm Bear’s Tooth Movie Theater
  • JUN – 5TH ANNUAL FRONT RUNNER PRIDE FUN RUN/WALK & BBQ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm W. 15th and U Street Westchester Lagoon
  • JUN – LUBE WRESTLING 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm 708 E. Fourth Avenue, Anchorage, AK The Raven Event Organized By: Tom Azzarella, (907) 602-0569
  • JUN – DRAG QUEEN BINGO 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
  • JUN – EQUALITY PARADE 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Staging begins at 7/8th Avenue & E Street
  • JUN – PRIDEFESTIVAL 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm Delaney Parkstrip Event Organized By: J.J. Harrier
  • JUN – ALASKA GRRLZ PRIDE DANCE PARTY 7:00 pm – 11:55 pm 312 East 4th Avenue, Anchorage, AK La Cabana Event Organized By: Jill Ramsey, 351-2587

The post Alaska PrideFest 2015 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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