December 22, 2024

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Amazing Dreams Publishing

My partner and I own Amazing Dreams Publishing, which has over 1,500 free resources for women worldwide. We especially provide a lot of community service for women who are coming out. We have a coming out resource section, and a 24/7 online support group that has been online since November of 2003. During that time our [...]

My partner and I own Amazing Dreams Publishing, which has over 1,500 free resources for women worldwide. We especially provide a lot of community service for women who are coming out.

We have a coming out resource section, and a 24/7 online support group that has been online since November of 2003. During that time our group has supported over 5,000 women. We have members from all over the world including: Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Iran, Lebanon, India, Turkey, Greece, South Africa, Egypt, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Mexico, the United States and Canada.

We also have over 100 lesbian/bi movie reviews; lots of helpful articles we’ve written; and over 1,200 free Ecards designed by wonderful artists. We have been providing free services for women and the people who love them since October of 2001.

We’ve also been the featured writers for LesbiaNation Magazine, Shewired and Gaywired, and the Advice Columnists for Lesbians on the Loose Magazine. We have a coming Out Package for lesbian, bisexual or questioning women, and also a Relationship Package customized for either men or women.

For a full listing of all of our resources, please see our website here:

Thanks so much for your consideration of our website for inclusion in your LGBT Business and Services listings.


Tracey Stevens and Kathy Wunder

Amazing Dreams Publishing

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