March 17, 2025

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Appreciation and Gratitude: Fuel to Keep You Going

<p>Appreciation is considered as one of life’s greatest and effective motivators, so when you take the time in letting people know and feel that you treasure them, it inspires and motivates then in continuing what they are doing. That is exactly why gratitude is considered as the ultimate gift which keeps our relationship with anyone […]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Appreciation and Gratitude: Fuel to Keep You Going</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

Appreciation is considered as one of life’s greatest and effective motivators, so when you take the time in letting people know and feel that you treasure them, it inspires and motivates then in continuing what they are doing. That is exactly why gratitude is considered as the ultimate gift which keeps our relationship with anyone stand the test of time.

There is a quote about appreciation and goes like this, “A Person Who Feels Appreciated Will Always Do More Than What’s Expected.” Now, that’s a very nice quote and not just a fine sounding quote, it’s a truth which has been proven scientifically.

Appreciation and Gratitude: Fuel to Keep You Going

Gratitude means acknowledging all of the things which you have received, noticing simple desires, counting all of your blessings, and being thankful. It means you are learning to live your life to the fullest as if everything comes from a miracle, and staying aware of the constant basis of how much you have been provided.

Gratitude redirects your concentration from your life’s deficiencies to the profusion which is present already. Furthermore, psychological and behavioral research has shown some surprising improvements in life which can occur from practicing gratitude. Giving thanks can make a person more resilient and happier, it decreases stress, it improves healthiness, and it can strengthen relationships.

Appreciation can be quite challenging because frequently we are so engrossed with where we are going that we do not take time to appreciate where we are at the moment.

There is also a tendency to take things for granted instead of valuing all of the great things that came into our lives – which is our health and those who we love, all of the profusion which is all around us and the truth that we’re alive in this very moment. Often, we do not totally appreciate how good our lives are now until something goes very wrong – we lose our job, become ill, and many more.

That is quite unfortunate, because creating time to appreciate and be thankful for all of the things we have now, both profound and ordinary, has been revealed to:

  • reduce the symptoms of sickness;
  • make our exercise more;
  • improve the immune system;
  • reduce the risk of depression, stress, and anxiety;
  • improve relationships;
  • improve sleep;
  • increase generosity;
  • boost optimism, energy, determination, and happiness; and
  • increase positive emotions and wellbeing

Thankfully, there are a lot of things that you can do to hone your skills in appreciating things. Below are some of the suggestions:

  1. Stop Complaining

It is quite hard to be grateful when you’re complaining, judging and criticizing yourself and others. So, control your thoughts, test yourself to refrain from judging, criticizing, and complaining for about 3 weeks and see what will happen.

  1. Say Thanks, Often

Whenever someone performs something that is positive, no matter how small or big the action is, let him or her know that you appreciate the great job he/she is doing.

  1. Be Mindful

Be noticeable about what’s going on around you and give attention to all of the good things that are happening at that moment. Enjoy what you eat. Enjoy the sun radiating on your face. Focus on all the people who you’re with. Listen and pay attention to them with all your heart.


Appreciating all the things that are happening in your life and being grateful for all the things that you are receiving develops your wellbeing, being grateful creates positivity and attracts more positive vibrations and goals to your life, and the beauty is it keeps on coming. Practicing gratitude is one of the keys to achieving success, not only in life but in business and relationships. So, always be grateful and never forget to say “Thank You.”

Brian Zeng who is the founder of the site Ponbee is an entrepreneur who loves writing motivational quotes and articles to inspire people. Ponbee has a collection of new and nurturing topics to share with the world.

Appreciation and Gratitude: Fuel to Keep You Going

The post Appreciation and Gratitude: Fuel to Keep You Going appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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