December 22, 2024

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Ariana Castelli – Love is Love

<p>Ariana Castelli’s decision to design big and lively electronic beats around the universal themes of inspiration,morality, acceptance and humanization is, like most significant events in one’s life, a result of personal, professional and familial struggles.</p><p></p>The post appeared first on <a title="" href="" target="_blank"></a>.

Ariana Castelli’s decision to design big and lively electronic beats around the universal themes of inspiration,morality, acceptance and humanization is, like most significant events in one’s life, a result of personal, professional and familial struggles.

While building success, Ariana battled another cultural monster that was much more potentially harrowing to her dream than being a part of the gender minority. Ariana is a proud member of the LGBT community, knowing from an early age that her identity was not synonymous with the conservative culture she experienced growing up.

Ariana upstarted her career as the gay rights movement was beginning to take American policy makers and cultural norms by storm. Wanting to utilize her battle against discrimination and wanting to empower those who have ever felt deplored by generational stereotypes, Ariana took to writing beautiful, awe-inspiring tracks which incorporated the best of popular club music.

Vibrant, catchy and lyrically heartening, Ariana is currently crafting music that’s pure and wistful.

She describes music as “therapy” and she lives by the message that ”if I could help someone be stronger or move someone through my music then my mission is complete!”

Fierce, spirited and deeply motivated, Ariana is ready to lead a career that will change the lives of people, challenge the narrowed perspective of the monolithic music industry and support the message of diversity and acceptance through the power of her heartpounding compositions.


Name : Ariana Castelli
Born : Brooklyn, New York

Music Video – Love is Love

The post appeared first on

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