March 24, 2025

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Atlanta Pride 2013

[ October 12, 2013 to October 13, 2013. ] Atlanta, GA The main purpose of the APC is to promote unity, visibility and self-esteem among lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgender and queer persons and to promote a positive image in the Atlanta area and throughout the Southeastern United States through community activities and services. Atlanta Pride Festival Join us for the 43rd Atlanta Pride Festival, the [...]
October 12, 2013toOctober 13, 2013

Atlanta, GA

The main purpose of the APC is to promote unity, visibility and self-esteem among lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgender and queer persons and to promote a positive image in the Atlanta area and throughout the Southeastern United States through community activities and services.

Atlanta Pride Festival

Join us for the 43rd Atlanta Pride Festival, the largest Pride event in the southeast and the largest event in the country to coincide with National Coming Out Day.

Atlanta Pride traces it’s roots back to the summer of 1970, one year after the historic Stonewall Riots in New York. Since that time, Atlanta Pride has grown both as an event and organization. Highlights from the past decades include incredible speakers, such as Coretta Scott King and Rep. John Lewis, and momentous occasions, such as the repeal of anti-gay sodomy laws. Read more about Atlanta Pride’s history here.


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