Ballet Boys is a feature length documentary that follows in the footsteps of three...
Jake Simpson -
by Roger Walker-Dack | 31st August 2014
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Regarded as one of the most celebrated American playwrights, Neil LaBute has enthralled audiences...
Former Star of the Show Leslie left the Celebrity Big Brother House to cheers...
Trans Celebrity Big Brother Star, Kellie Maloney Says She Wants Out
by Newsdesk | 29th...
Have you seen it yet? The World's most expenisve animated music video has already...
“I became one of the stately homos of England.”
by Chris Bridges | 29th...
Grimsby Pride is just over 24 hours away.
by Newsdesk | 29th August 2014
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Within a few minutes after the opening of this movie... Woody Allen's 46th, and...
What’s your secret? What do you do in private that you wouldn’t share...
The Housemate with the fewest votes, and first to be evicted from the Celebrity...
Lady Gaga joins Adam Lambert and Queen on the Australian leg of her tour...
Is age just a number?
by Joshua Walker | 27th August 2014
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After a four-week run at The Edinburgh Festival with stellar five star reviews and...
Yesterday the GMFA held the 9th annual GMFA/RVT Sports day.
by Newsdesk | 26th August...
Trans Celebrity Big Brother contestant Kellie Maloney has revealed what her mother said when...
Since the death of Richard Attenborough was announced yesterday, we have been reminded of...