Okay, first off the bat. This song has a bass line that won't quit...
Jake Simpson - TheGayUK.com
We invited each of the major political parties to create an OP ED telling...
In an original fusion art form, where the gentle poise and delicacy of ballet...
Team Elton: Why D&G Should Take Responsibility for Their ‘Personal Views’
<img src="http://www.thegayuk.com/communities/8/004/009/928/388/images/4619477581.jpg" width="460" height="345"...
Over the past few months we have read and heard a lot of opinions...
Newly widowed Fred has been coerced by his control freak of a daughter to...
This unexpected and rather remarkable film from first time writer/director David Lambert realistically scrutinises...
Green Party leader Natalie Bennett is to launch the Greens' LGBTIQ manifesto today at...
When John is not goofing off with his best friend Shane, he is driving...
It's probably just us, but is Josie Cunningham looking a little bit Madonna circa...
The Last Five Years is a rare breed. It is an (off) Broadway Hit...
A young reader asks whether a quick session of Oral Sex put him in...
Is the battle for transexual equality over? Ten years on from the Gender Recognition...
Here we go fellow gardeners. April is the month when there’s no looking back!
Here we go fellow gardeners. April is the month when there’s no looking back!