March 22, 2025

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Bellingham Pride 2013

[ July 11, 2013 to July 15, 2013. ] Bellingham, WA Bellingham Pride Bellingham Pride began 13 years ago under the direction of Whatcom PFLAG, as an event with roughly 1/2 a dozen tables in Fairhaven Park on a Sunday afternoon in June. It has been in its current location of Depot Market Square (Home of the Bellingham Farmers Market) for 6 years and this will [...]
July 11, 2013toJuly 15, 2013

Bellingham, WA

Bellingham Pride

Bellingham Pride began 13 years ago under the direction of Whatcom PFLAG, as an event with roughly 1/2 a dozen tables in Fairhaven Park on a Sunday afternoon in June. It has been in its current location of Depot Market Square (Home of the Bellingham Farmers Market) for 6 years and this will be the 5th year in which the festival has had a parade. While most pride festivals tend to take place in June (National Gay & Lesbian Month), we recognize that we can offer a festival during July when Bellingham weather is nicer and no other prides are generally taking place. Our mission is to create a festival everyone can be proud of. We offer events that cater to all aspects of our LGBTQQI2A community.

Official Bellingham Pride Events

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pickford Theatre, Special Screening “Wish Me Away”

6:30pm, Pickford Film Center, 1318 Bay Street, Bellingham | Tickets Available Here

Pride Kick-Off at the Betty Show (21+)

10:00pm, Rumors Cabaret, No Cover

Thursday, July 12, 2012

All Ages B-Proud Dance

8:00pm – 11:00pm, Depot Market Square (downtown Farmer’s Market). $3.00 admission, proceeds benefit local charity, local DJ’s providing music, all ages welcome!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Betty Pages 8th Anniversary Party (21+)

9:00pm, Rumors Cabaret (no cover before 10 pm – FREE FOOD)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Queer Family Picnic

Noon, Maritime Heritage Park
Burgers and vegi-burgers brought to you by the Betty Pages. Bring a dish to share!

Annual ISCEE Pride Drag Show (21+)

6:00pm – Doors. Show starts at 7:00pm, Rumors Cabaret ($5 cover)
Annual Pride Party to follow.

Rumors Pride Celebration (21+)

10:00pm – 2:00am, Rumors Cabaret, Cover at Door

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pride Parade

Noon (12pm), Along Cornwall Avenue. Starts at Bellingham High School, Ends at Depot Market Square.

Pride Festival

’til 5:00pm, Bellingham Farmers Market.
Features various vendors, childrens activities, appearances by local and state dignitaries. Pride Party to follow in Rumors. There is a suggested donation of $3 to enter the festival.

Community Events

Monday, July 9, 2012

Pride-week Betty Show

10pm, The Copper Hog, 1327 N State St, Bellingham.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

First Congregational Church of Bellingham – Love Free or Die Documentary Screening

7pm, First Congregational Church of Bellingham, 2401 Cornwall Ave, Bellingham. Free admission, donations accepted. Love Free or Die is about a man whose two defining passions are in direct conflict: his love for God and for his partner…(read more)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

4WomenEvents – Dance Party (21+)

3pm, Glow Nightclub, 202 E Holly St, Bellingham. $5.00 admission, proceeds benefit Bellingham Pride, DJ Lady Char, Drink Specials, Prizes, Bead Toss & Giveaways!

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