December 22, 2024

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Billy Winn Returns in Dreamland II – Featuring Debut Single, “Another Broken Heart”

Billy Winn’s Dreamland II picks up where Dreamland I left off. Thematically, at least. Sonically, its debut single, "Another Broken Heart," releasing May 24, turns up the drama with a heavy-octane dance number. "I love going back to E...
Billy Winn’s Dreamland II picks up where Dreamland I left off. Thematically, at least. Sonically, its debut single, "Another Broken Heart," releasing May 24, turns up the drama with a heavy-octane dance number. "I love going back to EDM, where it all started for me," Winn explains. "High energy dance is always a great place to get things started." Both EPs tell stories from the perspective of a queer kid of color who has had his heart broken. "It’s the only position that I can write from and it’s one that I can’t recall ever hearing in pop music," Winn continues. "My hope is that regardless of where you come from, who...

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