March 18, 2025

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Blog: Falling Asleep in Love

How to sleep together.

( Now this won’t fall in Friday Sex Talk on because this is how to actually sleep, snore, snooze, kip, doze and nap with a girl not do the other naughty stuff. You can learn about that on your own time.

How you sleep together may actually decide on how your relationship progresses. If all you’ve done before now is get jiggy covered in syrup and then steeled away into the night, then the whole slumber thing can be a new challenge.

The first most important thing you have to decide on is the side of the bed. If you both want the same side of the bed this can be a big problem. You might have to do a Rock Paper Scissors or a toss the coin scenario to decide on who gets the best side and who gets the one where you’re facing the wrong way and you’re bitch slapping the other person when you turn over.

You could of course share the side and sleep there alternative nights but then that conjures up all sorts of issues. Your book, glasses, teeth, nail varnish, vodka, rohypnol, night light, sherbet, and/or vibrator will all be on your bedside table and it’s too annoying to keep reaching over to retrieve these things if you’re on the wrong side.

If you or your girl is a light sleeper then it can be a problem if one of you snores or gets up a lot to stroke the cat or sniff some old books. It can be annoying if you’ve just drifted off and then you’re woken to the sound of your girl eating a cheese and pickle sandwich. Especially if she won’t give you any. You can practise doing things without your partner waking up. It takes rigorous training with a poorly lit obstacle course involving slippers and peeing so you can do all the awkward manouvers when it comes to getting up in the middle of the night.

What you wear in bed is particularly important. You might jump into bed with glee as naked as a chaffinch but your partner might arrive in a My Little Pony onesie, a Dalek costume or a long ruffled up nighty that makes her look like a decapitated duck. Are you still going to want fancy a headless bird? Probably not.

Alarms are the bane of everyone’s morning time. They invade your sleep and make you hate life. The difference in alarms can be massive. For instance I have one that flies around the room and you have to put it back in the holder before it stops making a noise like a wasp stuck in a microwave. If it was something that I could reach I would turn it off or hurl it at the wall, go back to sleep and miss my day.

And last but certainly certainly not least is the duvet control. If you have most of the duvet then you are the boss in the relationship. It takes a lot of little pulls, some tugs, a bit of curling up whil covering what you’re doing with random chatter. If you make a sausage roll out of yourself with the duvet then you’re basically winning. This works especially well if you still have the syrup on from the before sex session. Sticky

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