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Boston LGBT Film Festival 2013

[ May 2, 2013 to May 5, 2013. ] Boston, MA Boston LGBT Film Festival The Boston LGBT Film Festival is the longest running and largest LGBT media event in New England. Founded in 1984 by film programmer George Mansour, the festival has been hosted by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston since the early nineties. In 2009 the festival expanded to include screenings at [...]
May 2, 2013toMay 5, 2013

Boston, MA

Boston LGBT Film Festival

The Boston LGBT Film Festival is the longest running and largest LGBT media event in New England. Founded in 1984 by film programmer George Mansour, the festival has been hosted by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston since the early nineties. In 2009 the festival expanded to include screenings at the Brattle Theatre in iconic Harvard Square, Cambridge, and the brand new Fenway Health Center on Boylston Street in Boston. In 2011 we screened over 100 films from 25 countries. In 2012 we will be opening the film festival at the Institute of Contemporary Art on the Boston waterfront. This event marks a return to the ICA after an absence of almost twenty years.

The Boston LGBT Film Festival celebrates, displays and distributes work by and for LGBT media makers – work that entertains, enriches and enlightens all audiences in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and allied communities. The annual Festival screenings showcase international, US, and local film, video, and other media, fostering a greater sense of awareness and community among LGBT and LGBT-friendly audiences.

As New England’s premiere LGBT film organization, the Festival reaches out to the culturally rich and diverse communities of the region through Screenings on Tour and Festival Partnerships, in collaboration with other film festivals. With its Young LGBT Filmmakers program, the Festival provides education, outreach and exposure for emerging filmmakers.

The Boston LGBT Film Festival aims to stimulate thought and encourage dialogue while offering exposure and continued presence for filmmakers, artists and community organizations. 

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