March 25, 2025

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Budapest Pride Film Festival 2016

<p>Budapest Pride Film Festival (LGBT Film and Cultural Festival) – Budapest returns to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LMBTQ) films from the 20th Budapest Pride Film Festival. From six continents with more than 30 feature films, documentaries and short films, as well as round table discussions related to the projections enrich the program. The film festival<a href="">[...]</a></p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Budapest Pride Film Festival 2016</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

Budapest Pride Film Festival (LGBT Film and Cultural Festival) – Budapest returns to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LMBTQ) films from the 20th Budapest Pride Film Festival. From six continents with more than 30 feature films, documentaries and short films, as well as round table discussions related to the projections enrich the program. The film festival opening film of the domestic cinemas will be on display for the first time Freeheld, Julianne Moore and Ellen Page starring. Budapest, Hungary; Jan 20-24, 2016

Budapest Pride Film Festival 2016

Budapest Pride Film Festival 2016

The Elizabeth Boulevard Cinema & Art is housed in the main program of the festival, is also looking forward to an alternative, free screenings is available here.

The festival opening night, January 20th on Wednesday Freeheld shown in the film. The real story of American film processing by a police Lieutenant Laurel Hester is fighting so that after the death of a partner is entitled to a widow’s benefit. Hester had seen on film documents the history of the Budapest Pride Film Festival audiences in 2008, holding life (Freeheld) address. A feature film was made in 2015, Julianne Moore can be seen in the role of Hester, partner, Stacie was converted by Ellen Page. In February 2015 Moore received the Still Alice c. for film formation of the Academy Awards. Page was nominated for a 2008 Juno Award in the c. főszerepéért film, in 2014 came out of the opening speech to the Human Rights Campaign, a lesbian American Conference on LGBT rights organization.

This time, it is possible to lease purchases. Discount on season tickets for five performances at the Art + Cinema screenings will be redeemed, and their sale begins in the cinema’s ticket office in early January. Also in early January start of ticket sales is + Art Cinema website.

A detailed program will be available soon on the film festival’s Facebook page and official website of the Budapest Pride.

Budapest Pride Film Festival 2016


The post Budapest Pride Film Festival 2016 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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