January 22, 2025

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Daveo also known as Mr. Congeniality on YouTube.com said “I thought I would put an end to this little rumor once and for all!”. He knew it could not be true that Chic-Fil-A does not like gays. So.. he decided to give them a call and ask them for a job. They said yes, he could come in for an application. : )


Ok.. that is a really funny video but the truth of the matter is this really is not all that funny. Not my friend Daveo’s video but the fact that a large corporation would take a stance against gay people asking for the same equal rights that they have.


In case you have not heard, the Presdent of Chick-fil-A recently said he was not in favor of gay marriage. It has been all over local and national news coverages. Several mayors from big cities and I mean really big cities has spoken up for the gay community and flat out told Chick-fil-A what their doing is wrong.


Chick-fil-A has even lost business partnerships because of the statements .  The company that supplied toys for children’s meals pulled their product.  WTAE.com reported Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl is standing behind stances taken by mayors in Chicago and Boston against Chick-fil-A after the company’s president said he was not in favor of gay marriage.


Like I said it all over the news. Huffingtonpost.com reported in a post about this very topic that “Across the Bible Belt, where most of the 1,600 restaurants are situated, Christian conservatives have thrown their support behind the Atlanta-based company, promising to buy chicken sandwiches and waffle fries next week on “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.” and that “former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, a Baptist minister, declared next Wednesday “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” to support a business “whose executives are willing to take a stand for the Godly values.” Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, who like Huckabee ran for president as a darling of social conservatives, joined the cause along with religious leaders.”


I love when after people make a statement like this they come out and say that they are not trying to offend anyone and they love everyone, even us gay people. Well, damit you offend me and I don’t love you so much right now! Why? Because your actions cause others to act stupid. What do I mean?


Because, when people like Blake Shelton make comments on twitter like “Re-writing my fav Shania Twain song.. Any man that tries Touching my behind He’s gonna be a beaten, bleedin’, heaving kind of guy…” or when 50cent twitts “Perez hilton calld me douchebag so I had my homie shoot up a gay wedding. wasnt his but still made me feel better http://twitpic.com/2lvlml” oh and you have that other famous twit the 50cent posted “If you a man and your over 25 and you don’t eat pu**y just kill your self damn it. The world will be a better place. Lol”


I could go on and on here like when Kirk Cameron Tells Piers Morgan Homosexuality Is ‘Unnatural,’ ‘Ultimately Destructive’ or when Adam Carolla said: “When did we start giving a sh*t about these [transgender] people?”


Your hate and yes it is hate, is what causes all the bulling that we see being reported in mainstream news. You are the cause of this hate. Because of the statements and the stances that you have taken.


The Huffingtonpost.com reported that “The Rev. Roger Oldham, spokesman for the Southern Baptist Convention, said many Christians want to support businesses owned by fellow believers, and the loyalty intensifies “when Christians see a fellow Christian being persecuted.” “They will come out of the woodwork when a theologically based position is being politicized by individuals for their own purposes,” he said.


Who here is really being persecuted. I think the Rev. Oldham needs to think about that. If you are saying we are persecuting Chic-Fil-A by not eating their Awesome Chicken Sandwitches.. and yes they are awesome sandwitches.. I do miss them.. but back on topic.. the reason we are not eating the Awesome Chicken is because the people making it does not think we should be able to love who we love. Not so many years ago these same people where the ones saying that people like the parents our own Presidents of the Unitied States could not marry. Did you know it was once illegal for a white person to marry a black person. If you look back to that date, I bet you will find some of the same agruements against it.


I will close this opinion blog with a couple videos . They are older videos but some of the best I have ever watched. No gay man could ever say it better then these two straight men! Just sayin!





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