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CineSLAM 2015

<p>[ June 19, 2015; ] CineSLAM – CineSLAM,Vermont’s LGBTQ Film Festival screening of short films (list of films at at the Latchis Theater in downtown Brattleboro  including Ela Troyano’s film featuring Carmelita Tropicana “Your Kunst is your Waffen.”<br /> Vermont’s LGBT Short Films Festival – Brattleboro, VT.<br /> CineSLAM 2015</p> <p>This film festival of shorts, which takes place during June Pride, brings together films from across the [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">CineSLAM 2015</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
June 19, 2015

CineSLAM – CineSLAM,Vermont’s LGBTQ Film Festival screening of short films (list of films at at the Latchis Theater in downtown Brattleboro  including Ela Troyano’s film featuring Carmelita Tropicana “Your Kunst is your Waffen.”

Vermont’s LGBT Short Films Festival – Brattleboro, VT.

CineSLAM 2015

CineSLAM 2015

This film festival of shorts, which takes place during June Pride, brings together films from across the country and around the world. It allows us an intriguing  glimpse of the diversity of life, struggles and triumphs of LGBTQ people and their allies in short narrative, documentary and art video formats.   CineSLAM is programmed by Guilford, VT resident and Emmy-Award winning filmmaker, John Scagliotti, who created the first LGBTQ television series, In the Life, on PBS, which will be going into its 20th season this fall.  Scagliotti was recently awarded an honorary doctorate degree from Marlboro College for his service to the LGBTQ and allied communities.

CineSLAM “…reaches back to the radical roots of liberation, to the joyously skewed visions of sex, love, culture and camp that lie outside the conventions of the straight world,” ‘A Queer Nation,’ Andrew Kopkind, 1993

CineSLAM continues to showcase cutting edge LGBTQ short films from across the US and around the world.

Film submissions are entered into the running for the Chessie Award (Best Short at CineSLAM), a cash prize of $750 and an invitation for the filmmaker to show their winning film on Pride of the Ocean, complete with free room and board.

The post CineSLAM 2015 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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