March 28, 2025

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Circle City IN Pride 2013

[ June 8, 2013; ] Indianapolis, IN Indy's annual LGBT Festival, Parade and Week of Events. Celebrating Indy's Pride being 25 years out of the closet, June 1-9, 2013! Indy Pride Festival Indy Pride Inc., through its purpose, fosters events that seek to educate, honor the history of the GLBT communities and celebrate the diversity of and create unity, in and between, the [...]
June 8, 2013

Indianapolis, IN

Indy’s annual LGBT Festival, Parade and Week of Events. Celebrating Indy’s Pride being 25 years out of the closet, June 1-9, 2013!

Indy Pride Festival

Indy Pride Inc., through its purpose, fosters events that seek to educate, honor the history of the GLBT communities and celebrate the diversity of and create unity, in and between, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Straight communities.

Best known for the yearly Circle City IN Pride Festival, which has expanded to a week long schedule of events celebrating every aspect of our community, Indy Pride, Inc. does philanthropic work throughout the year to support many organizations throughout Central Indiana. In addition to the Festival in June, we organize Laugh OUT Loud,  the Hoosier 250 Tricycle Race, Community Thanksgiving Dinner, Educational and Vocational Scholarships, Workshops and Support Groups (confidential and public), a partnership with the Indianapolis LGBT Film Festival, and events organized by the Indy Pride Bag Ladies.

Indy Pride, Inc. is made up of an all volunteer Board of Directors, who literally put in 1000s of hours of work a year. so that Indy Pride can continue to propagate and advance our mission.

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