February 24, 2025

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COMMENT: Is technology killing conversation?

<p>At the risk of sounding like Peter Kaye – do you remember the time when you had to call people on the landline and arrange to meet in the pub to catch up on all the gossip? When the phone was generally situated in the hallway, attached to the wall or placed on a telephone table and you had to close the sitting room door so your parents couldn’t hear your intentions. Harking back to a time before the internet and smart phones where we actually had to engage in the art of conversation.</p> <p> </p><p><img src="http://www.thegayuk.com/communities/8/004/009/928/388/images/4620529167.jpg" width="450" height="300" alt="(C) TheGayUK / Monty McKinnen" title="(C) TheGayUK / Monty McKinnen"/></p> <p><a href="http://www.thegayuk.com/magazine/4574334751/COMMENT-Is-technology-killing-conversation/9875523">Read More</a></p>

At the risk of sounding like Peter Kaye – do you remember the time when you had to call people on the landline and arrange to meet in the pub to catch up on all the gossip? When the phone was generally situated in the hallway, attached to the wall or placed on a telephone table and you had to close the sitting room door so your parents couldn’t hear your intentions. Harking back to a time before the internet and smart phones where we actually had to engage in the art of conversation.

(C) TheGayUK / Monty McKinnen

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