December 22, 2024

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Corpus Christi – 13 years since the last staging

<p>Corpus Christi. It has been 13 years since the last staging of the piece when a fatwa was issued against writer Terrence McNally.</p><p></p>The post appeared first on <a title="" href="" target="_blank"></a>.

Corpus Christi. It has been 13 years since the last staging of the piece when a fatwa was issued against writer Terrence McNally.

“He came to die. This is the heart of Christmas.” Rev. Billy Graham

“We are going to tell you an old and familiar story. One you’ve all heard over and over, again and again. One you believe or one you don’t. There’s no suspense and fewer surprises. You all know how it turns out. But it’s a story that bears repeating. Some say it can’t be told enough.”

Joshua has always been different. From His birth in a sleazy motel, through His awkward high school years, He never knew why the sound of hammering echoed in His ears. Even meeting Judas didn’t make it stop. When Joshua accepts that the carpenter’s work is done, He knows He won’t have much time left to do His good work. The voice that has spoken to Him throughout His life is His Father, and the Father’s will is too strong to ignore.

OutFox Productions welcome you to Terrence McNally’s controversial retelling of the Gospel. In Corpus Christi, equality, sexuality and religion collide through simple storytelling, to shed new light on a story with over 2000 years of history.

The Space

269 Westferry Road, London, E14 3RS
Box office: or 020 7515 7799

26 November to 14 December 2013
Performances Tuesday – Saturday at 8.00pm
Tickets: £14, £10 concessions, £9 Group Rate

(Contains strong language, scenes of sexuality and crucifixion.)

Production company website:

Corpus Christi
Written by: Terrence McNally
Directed by: John Fricker

Cast: Andro Cowperthwaite, JP Lord, Ben Peterson, Brian Merry, Daniel Collard, Edward Smith, James Georgiou, Lucas Arthur Englander, Samuel Caseley, Samuel James Morgan, Stephen Gibbons, Thomas Winsor, Uzair Bhatti

Creatives: Kirsty Fox, William Ingham, Gina Rose Lee, Mark Webber, Mary Taylor, Rachael Ryan, Jing Ng, Amy Gunn, Rosanna Grimes, Jennifer Jackson

The post appeared first on

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