March 26, 2025

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Could Neil Patrick Harris And Family Be Anymore Perfect

Sickening isn't it. by Newsdesk | 27th October 2013 How I Met Your Mother star and the man that coined Fifty Shades of Gay, has once again tweeted his perfect family and their wondrous costumes for Halloween. Every year NPH and his partner David Burt...

Sickening isn't it.

by Newsdesk | 27th October 2013

How I Met Your Mother star and the man that coined Fifty Shades of Gay, has once again tweeted his perfect family and their wondrous costumes for Halloween.

Neil Patrick Harris and family look adorable... / Instagram

Every year NPH and his partner David Burtka tweets his family's matching costumes. In 2011 they were characters from Peter Pan, in 2012 they dressed as characters from The Wizard Of Oz and this year they're Trick Or Treating as Alice, the white rabbit and Tweedledee and Tweedledum from Alice In Wonderland.

Neil Patrick Harris and family / Twitter @ActuallyNPH

Neil Patrick Harris and family / Twitter @ActuallyNPH

Having a Halloween party? Send us your pics to Want some recipe ideas for your party - check out our spooky cookbook!

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