March 6, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Creep of the Week: Nick Moutos

The Attorney General’s office in Texas is not exactly known for being a friendly place for LGBTQ people. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is NOT a fan, to say the least, and apparently Assistant Attorney General Nick Moutos thought that there was some...
The Attorney General’s office in Texas is not exactly known for being a friendly place for LGBTQ people. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is NOT a fan, to say the least, and apparently Assistant Attorney General Nick Moutos thought that there was some kind of contest for who could be THE WORST and he was intent on winning.
His Twitter account has been a bastion of anti-LGBTQ, Islamaphobic, racist and threatening messages for quite some time.
He responded to a June 1 Tweet by Present Barack Obama about the hurt caused by the killing of George Floyd by writing, "Shut your mouth you disgusting traitorous liar and keep your husband, Michelle Obama, where he cannot be seen. #Jesus. #2A."
Get it, because Michelle Obama is, um, tall? And all tall people are men? Oh, that Moutos, just an anti-trans jokster, yucking it up. Also, Jesus loves guns...

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