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CSD Berlin 2015

<p>[ June 27, 2015; ] Christopher Street Day Parade Berlin – Europe’s biggest Lesbian-Gay City Festival in the traditional gay district of Berlin around Nollendorfplatz in Schöneberg.</p> <p>CSD Berlin 2015</p> <p> <br /> 1. The development of the CSD Berlin<br /> 1979 first march of gays and lesbians with respect to the Stonewall riots in New York's Christopher Street took place in Berlin. About 450 people ran [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">CSD Berlin 2015</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
June 27, 2015

Christopher Street Day Parade BerlinEurope’s biggest Lesbian-Gay City Festival in the traditional gay district of Berlin around Nollendorfplatz in Schöneberg.

CSD Berlin 2015

CSD Berlin 2015


1. The development of the CSD Berlin

1979 first march of gays and lesbians with respect to the Stonewall riots in New York’s Christopher Street took place in Berlin. About 450 people ran with in this first CSD. Over the years there have been changing organizer * interior and diverse CSD disputes, yet the CSD has been growing and has become institutionalized as a demonstration for the human rights of LGBTI *. Since 1996 is in Kreuzberg in addition a second CSD held, which is organized from the neighborhood out.

Since 1999, organized by the Berliner CSD eV the big parade that marches traditionally the Ku’Damm in the government quarter, and the corresponding final rally, the CSD finale. In the third millennium the Berlin CSD has now grown to a half to one million participants and belongs to the Cologne Pride one of the largest in Germany.

2. Conflict of party or political message: What you celebrate or what political message wish send it?

The Berliner CSD will present its respective current political demands that are formulated each year by a wide forum of the Berlin LGBTI * -Communitys, in a combination of classic demo elevator and merry revelers parade. This form of demonstration not only the requirements but also the diversity, self-confidence and the joy of living the LGBTI * -Communitys to be shown and strengthened.
The juxtaposition of politics and party represents in our eyes no conflict is: policy must be fun, Party may be politically relevant – CSD is infotainment in demo form. And ultimately, the public celebration of otherness and the otherness-are they allowed is also a statement.

However, the Berlin CSD is also the responsibility to participate in shaping political opinion due to its size and media presence. Even in this country are LGBTI * Finally, still treated in many areas as second-class citizens; Equality must be enforced with difficulty step by step. We have introduced in recent years a number of measures to strengthen the visibility of content: On our website we offer poster motifs for download; Truck-Participating must use their banner space at least 70% for political messages; at the head of the train is a classic demonstration banners; smaller community groups and associations are encouraged to participate with smaller vehicles or groups on foot and support in finding cooperation partners or sponsors * * inside.

3. What do you think about the criticism of excessive commercialization of CSDs in the West in general?

The term “commerce” is a very difficult, because it is hardly to define universally valid in relation to the CSD, but often merely describes a “gut feeling”. For many people, the size of the Berlin CSD is already commercially. With size but comes also the attention, in particular the media, which is needed for the communication of claims to the majority society or the government.

For others, the commercialism is the visibility of companies. However, companies are (just like parties, clubs or small initiatives) actors of this society and part of the reality of life for LGBTI *; it should just be a sign of LGBTI * privileges may set like any other.Queer groups of farms are very welcome – otherwise companies may not participate independently anyway, but only supportive act as sponsors for community associations and those so gain greater visibility.

The CSD is not designed for the rest for profit – and also not suitable for it. Participation in the Berlin CSD is free of charge. In motor vehicles, the costs will be allocated depending on the vehicle size and for social graduation.

4. How does the CSD Berlin with the sponsorship / Politics ratio to (he leaves advertising etc.)?

Advertising on vehicles (also party advertising) is only permitted in an area of ​​more than 30% – the remainder must be filled with political content. Companies may only participate with its own LGBTI * group or as a sponsor for another community project.

5. What is the motto of the CSD 2015?

2015 starts with the Berlin CSD under the slogan “We are all different. We are all the same. “

6. What are your plans this year?

In times of Pegida and gaining strength exclusion tendencies in our society, it is especially important to set an example for social diversity and acceptance. The Berliner CSD eV is currently seeking more emphasis is to consider this issue in the content and also in the implementation of the CSD demonstration in 2015 especially.

Structurally, we are currently working on ways especially smaller, socio-political and intersektionell committed groups to enable a stronger presence. We have performed in the past few months on these issues a lot of conversations, whether with other associations or individuals, and happy about open ears and arms. From these discussions, a new structure of the march has become a measure developed: We reserve the front of the parade (just behind the two carriages) for quieter participants – about groups on foot, choirs, strollers, rickshaws, Rolli groups, tricycles, samba bands and vehicles with music equipment to 400 watts – especially to the many small, grassroots political activists associations, initiatives and projects to help more visibility at the parade.We want to support those who otherwise acoustically and visually disappear between large trucks through this structural supply. Of course, no one is forced mitzulaufen or ride at the head of the parade – we offer this only as a possibility which may be used if desired. (For cars with sound systems to 400 watts there when registering an option to choose between the blocks, which are then drawn separately. Non-motorized groups may anyway classified unannounced where they want.)

Our goal is to provide each year an increasingly diverse CSD with which possible all parts of the LGBTI * community will be able to identify – we are optimistic that even the CSD 2015 will put a great sign of diversity.

The post CSD Berlin 2015 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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