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CSD Dusseldorf 2014

<p>[ May 30, 2014 to June 1, 2014. ] CSD Dusseldorf - Düsseldorf, Germany<br /> The CSD Dusseldorf eV was founded in 2004 by a handful of politically engaged people who were of the opinion that it is in the state capital of North Rhine-Westphalia at the time to remember the events in Christopher Street in New York in 1969.</p> <p>CSD Dusseldorf 2014<br /> From the beginning, there was [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">CSD Dusseldorf 2014</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
May 30, 2014toJune 1, 2014

CSD Dusseldorf – Düsseldorf, Germany

The CSD Dusseldorf eV was founded in 2004 by a handful of politically engaged people who were of the opinion that it is in the state capital of North Rhine-Westphalia at the time to remember the events in Christopher Street in New York in 1969.

CSD Dusseldorf 2014

From the beginning, there was the street party, a memorial service, as well as the demo-parade, in groups, clubs and organizations present themselves.

From East to West, from North to South is in each case demonstrated from mid-May to mid-September of each year, enlightened and celebrated. Between the small street festivals to major events in the large cities, there are no differences when considering the organizers and hear. all have the same concerns the financing and the problems, sometimes to find a sponsor. Whether it and the cost of Gema Insurance companies are that make us to create all whether the find of artists, program points or Kontake to politics …. you exchange ideas and help! With some it is called Christopher Street Day in other Pride, Berlin is now changing even on Stonewall, and yet it comes at all to the same thing -. struggle for acceptance and equality Elucidating those is still not arrived in their minds that lesbian, gay and queer people are not sick, and those you can her “misconduct” nor unlearn, as a left-handed the write with the “wrong” hand, is top priority! So long as “fagot” is not gone to school playgrounds, football stadiums and in some music scenes in the term, we are all together fight and enlighten! Deputies of CSDs from the Republic will meet two times a year to discuss common to recognize mutual assistance and exchange tips also.


CSD Dusseldorf 2014

“All united”

is the motto of this year and we are trying, even in a year without state and federal elections political content on the subject to carry along to experience a meaningful and varied weekend getaway together. everything to know about you can find on the individual pages of our Internet presence. Constructive contributions and ideas to platforms and social program are welcome! you wonder why in our website in 2014 such a dark wall is what you like, the fact that we are now in the 45th year after the events located in and around the restaurant Stonewall on Christopher Street, has also encouraged us to design, as well as the fact that one can tear down walls with their heads!, we try it. . .

Launched the whole time on the Schadowplatz, and toured the event the meantime on Gustaf-Gründgens Square, yet there is today at the Johannes-Rau-Platz – directly on the Rhine River – the ideal setting for the paved area in front of the State Chancellery is perfect for an event with a large stage for national and international artists as well as for high-ranking politicians, but is the Ladtag of NRW is just around the corner.

Promenade under the plane trees is used optimally with info-artist and food stands and meadows on the Rhine invite visitors to the cozy chill out and enjoy a.

The traditional termination of the CSD Dusseldorf in May / June will give us an of the top positions in the series German CSDs, which has proved to be a clear advantage, since to “start of season” both audience and the artists involved are still full of energy and zest for action in the matter.

Our previous mottos: 2004 – A strong movement 2005 – Strong Together for Tolerance 2006 – The other way is (not) wrong! 2007 – CSD’dorf, dat other shore on the Rhine 2008 – proud 2B 2009 – is but normal 2010 – our heart beats the other way 2011 – Thank God 2012 – we `r Europe! – ‘R we Europe? 2013 – Generations of Love 2014 – all united since 2013 Member of CSD Germany eV –

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The post CSD Dusseldorf 2014 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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