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<p>[ June 25, 2015; ] “Christopher Street Day” auf der Spree – CSD ON THE SPREE is unique Berlin tradition: Sightseeing Tour and “demonstration” on the water combine with fun and culture made ​​within the CSD week a contribution to the rich spectrum of gay and lesbian clubs and big city life. CSD ON THE SPREE always takes place on [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">CSD ON THE SPREE 2015</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
June 25, 2015

“Christopher Street Day” auf der Spree – CSD ON THE SPREE is unique Berlin tradition: Sightseeing Tour and “demonstration” on the water combine with fun and culture made ​​within the CSD week a contribution to the rich spectrum of gay and lesbian clubs and big city life. CSD ON THE SPREE always takes place on Thursday before the Parade weekend.


Many friends from home and abroad to travel at the start of the Berlin CSD week on Thursday (25.6.) To – because then drive our 10 Rainbow ships through Berlin. “Puschelalarm” is the visual code on all ships: pom poms decorate in a rainbow of colors not just have the boats and their guests, they are, above all, a visible sign of acceptance and tolerance – not only on the streets of Berlin, but also putting the Spree!


In Berlin, the most beautiful time of the year begins with known June because then CSD on the Spree is back on a long journey! The boat parade on Christopher Street Day is growing in popularity. Gays, lesbians, transgender people and all those who stand up for diversity, tolerance and acceptance, celebrating ten rainbow ships and will lead us to CSD weekend. Astonished shore guests line the way from the Chancellery to the Museumplein and the Fischerinsel. The common closing party with the guests aboard all ships rounded the evening off in the bright lights of the Zenner Biergarten.

On the first weekend in August is Amsterdam during Gay Pride for a short time the capital of joy and love. The largest event of its kind in the Netherlands will be accompanied by special films, exhibitions, workshops and especially Parties that give gay community public a face.

The absolute highlight of the Gay Pride is the “Canal Parade”. Some 500,000 spectators celebrate with and marvel at the long boat parade through the Amsterdam canals.

What has Berlin with Amsterdam in common? At first glance, not necessarily the urban character, but definitely the waterways! Admittedly, the Amsterdam include some over Berlin canals, but the common is the boat parade for Gay Pride there – and CSD on the Spree here in Berlin!

The post CSD ON THE SPREE 2015 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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