March 18, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Deep Inside Hollywood: Star Trek, Chick Fight, No Ordinary Man, Good Joe Bell

Star Trek’s first trans and non-binary characters The CBS All Access series Star Trek: Discovery will continue to fulfill the franchise’s progressive ideals and for the upcoming third season include the show’s first transgender and non-binary characte...
Dominique JacksonStar Trek’s first trans and non-binary characters
The CBS All Access series Star Trek: Discovery will continue to fulfill the franchise’s progressive ideals and for the upcoming third season include the show’s first transgender and non-binary characters. Queer characters already existed in the ST:D universe, played by Anthony Rapp and Wilson Cruz, so the addition of the two new characters will be a welcome expansion of the ranks. Ian Alexander, a trans actor most known for his role on Netflix’s The OA, will play a trans Trill named Gray (Non-Trekker? A Trill is a species of humanoid from the planet Trill. And now you know.) and UK actor Blu del Barrio, who is also non-binary, will play the non-binary character Adira. This will be del Barrio’s first major acting role, and they have told the press that they realized that...

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