March 26, 2025

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Direct from a sell-out Festival run, Bruce La Bruce’s Gerontophilia comes to DVD

<p>Lake is young. He's sexy. He's in the prime of his life...and he's attracted to older men (despite having a girlfriend).</p> <p>The post appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Direct from a sell-out Festival run, Bruce La Bruce’s Gerontophilia comes to DVD</a> .</p>

Perfect, then, that he lands himself a job as a care assistant at a local nursing home. It’s there he meets the charming, flamboyant Melvyn – and soon they strike up an unlikely friendship. It’s a friendship that deepens considerably after the two ‘break out’ and head off on a eventful road trip.

A festival hit the world over, Bruce La Bruce’s unmissable Gerontophilia is arguably his boldest and most accomplished work to date.

Gerontophilia Coming To DVD And VOD November 10

The post appeared first on Direct from a sell-out Festival run, Bruce La Bruce’s Gerontophilia comes to DVD .

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