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Divers/Cite 2013

[ July 30, 2013 to August 4, 2013. ] Montreal, QC Divers/Cite Divers/Cité is a LGBT event whose mission is to present and promote arts and music illustrating and celebrating the value of diversity in a spirit of sharing, solidarity and openness with the world. 18 years of constant growth and expansion has established Divers/Cité as an internationally recognized festival with a loyal following. Most of our [...]
July 30, 2013toAugust 4, 2013

Montreal, QC


Divers/Cité is a LGBT event whose mission is to present and promote arts and music illustrating and celebrating the value of diversity in a spirit of sharing, solidarity and openness with the world. 18 years of constant growth and expansion has established Divers/Cité as an internationally recognized festival with a loyal following.

Most of our events are outdoors and free. Our programming follows set themes covering a wide range of artistic tendencies that appeal to widely varying audiences. Divers/Cité proudly showcases: modern dance, blues, jazz, pop, Latin, rock, world, funk, ambient, techno and electronic music concerts, drag queen performances, an outdoor film screening and a photo exhibition.

Some of Divers/Cité’s signature shows include: La Grande Danse, Mascara: La nuit des drags, Sex Garage and New Society, two of which have garnered worldwide recognition. Mascara: La nuit des drags is the biggest drag show on earth and features over 100 artists in a whopping five-hour, non-stop theatrical extravaganza. The continent’s most impressive outdoor dance event, La Grande Danse offers close to 11 hours of multimedia infused beats spun by the globe’s most impressive DJs.

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