March 27, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

Drew Chadwick Showcases Perfect Body

Goodness me, Drew Chadwick, formely of Emblem 3 as an incredible body. by Newsdesk | 2nd July 2014 Sometimes we find ourselves just hanging out on Instagram waiting for celebs to take off their tops and every so often, one comes along that really knoc...

Goodness me, Drew Chadwick, formely of Emblem 3 as an incredible body.

by Newsdesk | 2nd July 2014

Drew Chadwick Instagram

Sometimes we find ourselves just hanging out on Instagram waiting for celebs to take off their tops and every so often, one comes along that really knocks our socks off... (rahh rahh... yupp yupp - drinking Pimms).

Drew was in the band Emblem 3, but last month announced he was leaving to concentrate on his solo career (or abs) either way we're totally down with this.

He also has a few other pictures too good not to share... Follow him on Instagram here

Drew Chadwick Instagram

Drew Chadwick Instagram

It's all too much for us... (we kid... send more)

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