March 21, 2025

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<p>[ March 27, 2015 to March 29, 2015. ] 9 sports and nearly 900 participants!<br /> The DÜSSEL-CUP - Düsseldorf's gay and lesbian sporting event. The Düssel-Cup is organized by four clubs: VC Phönix, Düsseldorf Dolphins, Weiberkram and TSC conTAKT. Around 900 participants come from all over Europe to Düsseldorf to participate in 11 sporting disciplines including swimming, volleyball, basketball, dancing, soccer, badminton, and running. Düsseldorf, [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">DÜSSEL CUP 2015</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
March 27, 2015toMarch 29, 2015

9 sports and nearly 900 participants!

The DÜSSEL-CUP – Düsseldorf’s gay and lesbian sporting event. The Düssel-Cup is organized by four clubs: VC Phönix, Düsseldorf Dolphins, Weiberkram and TSC conTAKT. Around 900 participants come from all over Europe to Düsseldorf to participate in 11 sporting disciplines including swimming, volleyball, basketball, dancing, soccer, badminton, and running. Düsseldorf, Germany.



Around 700 participants come from all over Europe to Düsseldorf to participate in 11 sporting disciplines including swimming, volleyball, basketball, dancing, soccer, badminton, and running.

The DÜSSEL-CUP is being held for the 7th time and has more than realised its goal of being an establish gay and lesbian sporting event. The DÜSSEL-CUP was created in the spirit of making friends in an arena that offers fair competition for those who are athletically ambitious as well as for those for whom the fun of competition is the priority. Participation of heterosexual athletes is obviously in keeping with the spirit of inclusion that the DÜSSEL-CUP welcomes.

The athletic competitions, along with the social opportunities that the Friday registration, Saturday evening athletes’ party, and the Sunday farewell brunch offer, will provide DÜSSEL-CUP participants with a lifetime of memories enriched by new friends and good times.

Our outreach program is centered on athletes from the LGBT community (Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transgender) from Eastern and Southeastern Europe. In many countries of this region the LGBT community does not enjoy governmental and societal acceptance and equality – discrimination and even violence are everyday occurrences.

By participating in such a tournament, we want them to share the feeling of safety and liberation in a accepting city at an event like the DÜSSEL-CUP with its nearly 900 athletes.

To make this possible, the organizing team offers a program of support since 2011, which has resulted in a participation of almost fifty participants from Russia, Bulgaria and Hungary.

The post DÜSSEL CUP 2015 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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