March 17, 2025

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East Coachella Valley Youth Research Project Consultant

<p>Gay-Straight Alliance Network – Mecca, CA<br /> GSA Network seeks an independent consultant in the East Coachella Valley (ECV) area to identify, engage, coordinate, and lead a youth-led participatory action research project (YPAR) that will assist in the community in gaining knowledge and understanding of LGBTQ youth experience and cultural sensitivities. Funded by The California Endowment and [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">East Coachella Valley Youth Research Project Consultant</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

Gay-Straight Alliance NetworkMecca, CA

GSA Network seeks an independent consultant in the East Coachella Valley (ECV) area to identify, engage, coordinate, and lead a youth-led participatory action research project (YPAR) that will assist in the community in gaining knowledge and understanding of LGBTQ youth experience and cultural sensitivities. Funded by The California Endowment and working with GSA Network, with the support of UC Davis Center for Regional Change (UCDCRC) and community stakeholders, the ECV Youth Research Consultant will engage community advisory group made up of EVC Building Healthy Communities (ECVBHC) staff, Boys and Men of Color (BMOC) Coordinator, Girls and Women of Color (GWOC) Coordinator, the Youth Research Consultant will lead youth through the developmental, implementation and analysis stages of a community needs assessment. The project seeks to gather information on: unique community health priorities and needs of LGBTQ youth of ECV; support, services, and resources available to youth through grassroots, not-profit and public organizations; and community health priorities in alignment with BMOC and GWOC initiatives in ECV. The work will conclude with a final report, including a short executive summary or brief documenting the YPAR findings. This project is anticipated to be a two-year (part-time) project that will begin at time of hire.

East Coachella Valley Youth Research Project Consultant

East Coachella Valley Youth Research Project Consultant

GSA Network is guided by our vision of full equality and social justice for all LGBTQ people. We have developed a model of grassroots organizing that trains youth activists to understand and challenge multiple systems of oppressions, in order to develop LGBTQ and allied leaders with a vision for broad social justice. Grounded in this model, GSA Network is building the GSA movement by providing resources, training, and grassroots organizing support to GSA clubs working to educate schools about LGBT issues and change public policy as well as to emerging GSA Networks in states around the U.S. As leader of the National Association of GSA Networks we bring together youth and adult leaders from state and regional GSA Networks to share best practices for GSA organizing. As a national leader in the LGBT, safe schools, and education justice movements, this is an exciting time for GSA Network as we expand our impact in California and nationally, and grow our team. You can learn more about our work at

Principal Responsibilities

  • Engage a community advisory group made up of: ECVBHC, BMOC Coordinator, GWOC Coordinator, and other relevant community stakeholders to ground the YPAR project in the context of the BHC and broader ECV community
  • Recruit and lead youth through the developmental implementation and analysis stages of the YPAR project to identify: unique community health priorities and needs of LGBTQ youth of ECV; support, services, and resources available to youth through grassroots, not-profit and public organizations; and community health priorities
  • Recruit youth, parents, community stakeholders, and school administrators/faculty/staff to host a community forum, including identifying speakers and presenters, led by youth
  • Draft and develop final report to document finding, including a short executive summary or brief
  • Work with UCDCRC on strategic design, planning, and development of the project, including methodological aspects of strategy, goals and outcomes selection, implementation strategies, and post-project action plan development (year 2)
    • Participate in UCDCRC’s training, orientation, and coaching on the Stepping Stones Curriculum and PYOM mapping tools.
    • Work with and meet with UCDCRC to ensure progress of the work through regular communication, exchanges, and status reports. Participate in bi-monthly Advisory Committee conference calls to engage in project updates and status reports
    • Visit other BHC sites to gain knowledge and understanding of best practices for incorporating LGBTQ youth needs


  • Two years experience working collaboratively with multiple stakeholders from youth, parents, funders, academics, non-profit stakeholders, and researchers
  • Deep knowledge of the East Coachella Valley and cursory needs of LGBTQ youth. Knowledge of health/mental health needs a plus.
  • Ability to recruit, lead, facilitate a group of youth participants in youth-led participatory action research
  • Excellent writing and strategic communication skills. Additional language skill pertinent to the ECV area a plus
  • Highly intelligent, with the ability to think and act quickly and strategically
  • Excellent attention to detail and accuracy
  • Proven ability to work with efficiency, flexibility, and good humor
  • Ability to manage multiple priorities and projects effectively, independently and collaboratively
  • Experience as a participant, leader, or facilitator in youth-led participatory action research projects, a plus
  • Demonstrated commitment to social justice, anti-oppression work, and LGBTQ rights.
  • Demonstrated ability to work as part of a team and with people from a variety of different racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, educational, religious, sexual, gender, and generational backgrounds

Send cover letter and resume to or to GSA Network, 1550 Bryant Street #600, San Francisco, CA 94103. Please include ECV Project Consultant in the subject heading of your email. No phone calls or faxes please. Only those applicants selected for an interview will receive a response.

Equal Opportunity Employer

GSA Network is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from youth, people of color, people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, and people with disabilities.

The post East Coachella Valley Youth Research Project Consultant appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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