March 21, 2025

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EDINBURGH: Official Venues

With Edinburgh's pride under a week away we thought we'd give you the low-down on the official venues of Pride Scotia. by Newsdesk | 10th June 2013These official venues have helped Pride Scotia in contributing to the costs of running the Pride event. T...

With Edinburgh's pride under a week away we thought we'd give you the low-down on the official venues of Pride Scotia.

by Newsdesk | 10th June 2013

These official venues have helped Pride Scotia in contributing to the costs of running the Pride event. The venues listed will be sported the 'official venue' sign.

1) Cafe Habana, 22 Greenside Place

2) Cafe Nom De Plume 60 Broughton Street

3) CC Bloom's, 23-24 Greenside Place

4) Planet, 6 Baxter's Place

5) QStore, 5 Barony Street,

6) The Regent Bar, 2 Montrose Terrace, www.thegayuk.comTheRegent

7) The Street, 2 Picardy Place,

Pride Scotia is on Saturday 15th June and begins at 12:00PM outside the Scottish Parliament and the march finalises at Bristo Square, before the pride party begins.

It's a free event too!

EDINBURGH: Just Over A Week Until Pride Scotia

TheGayUK Scene Guide For Edinburgh

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