March 22, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.


<p>Editor’s Letter</p><p></p><p> </p><p><img src="" width="460" height="650" alt="The Gay UK 1st Birthday Cover" title="The Gay UK 1st Birthday Cover"/></p> <p></p><p>I can barely believe it’s been a year since Graham and I officially started TheGayUK. What started, as a reviewing site for music and film has turned into something we’re both so incredibly proud of and something we’re completely addicted to. </p><p></p><p>I don’t think there’s been a day when something hasn’t been posted for our wonderful readers, even if we’re driving up and down the country, dipping into Internet cafes and buying a dongle – when Wi-Fi wasn’t available.</p><p></p><p>We’ve managed to speak to some incredible people and celebrities over the year:</p><p></p><p>Julian Clary, Gareth Thomas, Rylan Clark, Ben Cohen, Peter Tatchell, Doctor Christian Jessen, Scott Mills, Margaret Cho, Elvira, Steps, Heather Small and Pam Ann are just some of the wonderful people we’ve managed to interview in the last 12 months. Our readership has grown from 2,000 in the first few months to over 130,000 every month. </p><p></p><p>We’ve seen some phenomenal stories develop from MPs voting on gay marriage to Russia’s frightening anti-gay agenda to the hideous way in which the tradition press treated the late Lucy Meadows. </p><p></p><p>We have over 50 contributors who bring you the best in opinion, reviews, interviews and news. We’re so proud of everyone who has made TheGayUK possible – and we’re still open for anyone to write or contribute to us.</p><p></p><p>In the year we’ve been official, TheGayUK created a free legal clinic and online sexual health clinic (with our special partners 56 Dean Street) and released our first App, which will help you find any gay business in the UK as well as free access to all our articles. We’re still thinking of ways we can help, like the introduction of our No Excuse Project – which will see us deliver free condoms to your door – anywhere in the UK. </p><p></p><p>Recently Graham and I have been to a number of Prides up and down the country and have been meeting with some wonderful people. It’s been amazing to speak with the UK’s gay community from Scotland to Brighton. We’re proud and what’s more when we speak to our readers, they’re proud too.</p><p></p><p>For as long as we have each other we’ll continue to be The Gay UK.</p><p></p><p>Ok gush over, let get back to being gay.</p><p></p><p></p><p>Jake and Graham</p><p>Co-founders</p><p></p><p> </p>

Editor’s Letter

The Gay UK 1st Birthday Cover

I can barely believe it’s been a year since Graham and I officially started TheGayUK. What started, as a reviewing site for music and film has turned into something we’re both so incredibly proud of and something we’re completely addicted to.

I don’t think there’s been a day when something hasn’t been posted for our wonderful readers, even if we’re driving up and down the country, dipping into Internet cafes and buying a dongle – when Wi-Fi wasn’t available.

We’ve managed to speak to some incredible people and celebrities over the year:

Julian Clary, Gareth Thomas, Rylan Clark, Ben Cohen, Peter Tatchell, Doctor Christian Jessen, Scott Mills, Margaret Cho, Elvira, Steps, Heather Small and Pam Ann are just some of the wonderful people we’ve managed to interview in the last 12 months. Our readership has grown from 2,000 in the first few months to over 130,000 every month.

We’ve seen some phenomenal stories develop from MPs voting on gay marriage to Russia’s frightening anti-gay agenda to the hideous way in which the tradition press treated the late Lucy Meadows.

We have over 50 contributors who bring you the best in opinion, reviews, interviews and news. We’re so proud of everyone who has made TheGayUK possible – and we’re still open for anyone to write or contribute to us.

In the year we’ve been official, TheGayUK created a free legal clinic and online sexual health clinic (with our special partners 56 Dean Street) and released our first App, which will help you find any gay business in the UK as well as free access to all our articles. We’re still thinking of ways we can help, like the introduction of our No Excuse Project – which will see us deliver free condoms to your door – anywhere in the UK.

Recently Graham and I have been to a number of Prides up and down the country and have been meeting with some wonderful people. It’s been amazing to speak with the UK’s gay community from Scotland to Brighton. We’re proud and what’s more when we speak to our readers, they’re proud too.

For as long as we have each other we’ll continue to be The Gay UK.

Ok gush over, let get back to being gay.

Jake and Graham


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