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Faith & Family LGBTQ Power Summit 2015

<p>[ October 20, 2015 to October 23, 2015. ] National LGBTQ Task Force<br /> Faith & Family LGBTQ Power Summit is a four-day gathering that, through the lens of racial and gender justice, will provide inspiration, skills, capacity building and concrete strategies as we explore how our faith and the practice of radical welcome can build grassroots power. Hear from experts like the Southern Poverty Law Center, [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Faith & Family LGBTQ Power Summit 2015</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
October 20, 2015toOctober 23, 2015

National LGBTQ Task Force

Faith & Family LGBTQ Power Summit is a four-day gathering that, through the lens of racial and gender justice, will provide inspiration, skills, capacity building and concrete strategies as we explore how our faith and the practice of radical welcome can build grassroots power. Hear from experts like the Southern Poverty Law Center, Political Research Associates, Center for Constitutional Rights, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, IPAS, Equality Utah, Auburn Theological Seminary, and SoulForce. (Salt Lake City, UT)

Faith & Family LGBTQ Power Summit 2015

Faith & Family LGBTQ Power Summit 2015

Our worship, plenaries, and workshops will culminate in thirty days of local and national actions, coupled with media exposure supported with a “Media Outreach” toolkit. You’ll be equipped and inspired to immediately mobilize in your home communities for LGBTQ families — especially transgender and gender non-conforming people, people of color, and young people. Our time together will be deeply rooted in the glorious diversity of our faith traditions, and infused with a POWER that’s radical, prophetic, and intersectional.

Later in October, the World Congress of Families, the largest organization of people staunchly against our families, will be meeting in Salt Lake City to continue spreading an anti-LGBTQ agenda that restrictively codifies who counts as family and who does not. Their style of work is evident in the over 100 bills filed in legislatures across our country this past year that negatively target our families and issues we care about such as reproductive justice/health/equality and state sanctioned discrimination disguised as religious freedom. Join us in Salt Lake City, Utah to ensure that, as a movement, we’re strong and resilient enough to face the challenges and opportunities ahead, as we declare that our faith and our families matter.


This four-day summit is $100. However, we have reduced rate and scholarship opportunities available for those who apply here.

Host Hotel Information

Radisson Hotel Salt Lake City Downtown
215 W South Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

The hotel rate is $149/night. You can reserve the rooms for your stay here. HOTEL DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO SEPTEMBER 26, 2015.

We don’t want housing to be a barrier to you being able to attend. If you’re interested in community housing please complete this form, and as soon as possible because space is limited.

If you live in the Salt Lake City community and want to provide community housing to summit attendees please complete this form.

Interested in Volunteering at the Summit?

A transformational experience is never complete without the people behind the scenes that help pull it all together. If you’re interested in volunteering at the summit we’d love to have you! Volunteer roles would be to assist with registration, set up and clean up, serve as event guides, and other roles as needed. Complete this form if you’re available to serve.

Made possible by a grant from Global Faith and Equality Fund of Horizons Foundation

For more information, contact

The post Faith & Family LGBTQ Power Summit 2015 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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