March 19, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

FASHION: Footwear Faux Pas

<p>There was a time man walked the earth barefoot, off course at that time man didn’t bathe, wore a loincloth and carried a club around with them.</p> <p><a href="">by Stephen Crowe</a> | 16th March 2014</p><p></p><p></p><p>In today’s society man can do almost anything and can walk the earth in as many different styles of footwear as his heart so desires; Brogues, Loafers, Boots, Trainers, the list goes on. What’s the saying? ‘Give a guy the right pair of Penny Loafers and he can conquer the world?’ I’m sure it goes something like that. Why then, do I see so many guys wondering this planet wearing the most god-awful things on their feet? It’s almost like they woke up and strapped my version on hell to their ankles and thought ‘sod it! That will do,’ no boys, no!</p><p></p><p> </p><p><a href="">Read More</a></p>

There was a time man walked the earth barefoot, off course at that time man didn’t bathe, wore a loincloth and carried a club around with them.

by Stephen Crowe | 16th March 2014

In today’s society man can do almost anything and can walk the earth in as many different styles of footwear as his heart so desires; Brogues, Loafers, Boots, Trainers, the list goes on. What’s the saying? ‘Give a guy the right pair of Penny Loafers and he can conquer the world?’ I’m sure it goes something like that. Why then, do I see so many guys wondering this planet wearing the most god-awful things on their feet? It’s almost like they woke up and strapped my version on hell to their ankles and thought ‘sod it! That will do,’ no boys, no!

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